Google Inc. launched Google eBooks, its long-anticipated digital bookselling
enterprise, on Monday.
谷歌(Google Inc.)周一推出了Google eBooks,一个让人期待已久的电子书销售公司。
venture, now rolling out across the Web with hundreds of thousands of popular titles for sale and millions more free, will
compete for a slice of the digital books business, which is valued at close to $1
billion and is expected to grow in the coming years.
Google eBooks,
formerly called Google Editions, represents another opportunity for the Web giant to go toe-to-toe with two of its powerful rivals, Apple Inc. and Inc., and to open up a new
stream of
revenue outside of online advertising.
Google eBooks以前名为Google Editions,设立该公司表示网络巨头谷歌将与苹果公司(Apple Inc.)和
亚马逊公司( Inc.)这两大实力强大的对手展开竞争,并且将于在线广告收入之外,再开辟一个新的收入渠道。
'Publishers want more
competition in the marketplace, and we already have a big investment,' said Tom Turvey, a
director of strategic partnerships at Google. 'We're
trying to extend the value of content that exists in the world by enabling people to find it and buy it.'
谷歌策略合作主管特威(Tom Turvey)说,出版商希望有更多竞争,而我们已经进行了大笔投资,我们正试图让人们能找到书并买得起书,从而扩展书在世界上的价值。
Users will be able to buy books through and read them on many
devices, including tablets,
computers, smartphones and open format e-readers. Google on Monday released e-book buying and
reading apps for Apple's iPhone, iTouch and iPad as well as Android mobile
Customers will be able to store their Google-purchased titles online on their own bookshelf
accessible via their Google
account. They will be able to start
reading e-books on one
device or
computer and
switchmidway through the book to other
devices without losing their spot, Google engineers said.
Pricing is similar to other major e-books vendors, with new releases from publishers operating under the
so-called 'agency pricing model,' in which publishers set the
consumer prices, generally priced under $20. Google eBooks will set its own prices for books sold by publishers under the
traditionalwholesale model.
谷歌的电子图书价格与其它主要电子书零售商价格类似,因出版商发行新书以一种所谓的"机构定价模式"进行操作,也就是说出版商设定零售价格,一般不超过20美元。对于出版商以传统批发模式下销售的书籍,Google eBooks将自行定价。
The new service is an
extension of Google Books, a book-search site linked to the company's main Web search engine. Launched in 2004, it displays full copies or previews of millions of books and points
consumers to places where they could be purchased, including Now Google will sell books directly through an online store and allow others, including independent bookstores, to sell Google eBooks on their own sites and get a share of the
revenue. Mr. Turvey said the company will not require other sellers to give Google their customers'
financial information or email addresses. 'We're not interested in pursuing the customers of booksellers,' he said.
谷歌全新的电子书销售是谷歌图书(Google Books)服务的扩展,后者是链接到谷歌公司主要网络搜索引擎上的一个图书搜索网站。谷歌图书在2004年创立,展示数百万本图书的完整副本或图书预告,并告诉消费者哪里可以买到这些书,包括
亚马逊。现在谷歌将通过在线书店直接销售图书,还允许包括独立书店在内的其它书商在自己的网站上销售Google eBooks的书,并分得部分销售收入。特威说,谷歌不会要求其它卖家把自己客户的财务信息或电子邮件地址告诉我们,我们对获得书商的客户不感兴趣。