
Book lovers nowadays fall into one of two camps: They either eschew e-readers altogether, preferring the look and feel of print books; or they dive wholeheartedly into e-books, instantly downloading and racing through more titles by the handfuls. If you count yourself in the latter category, you're in luck.


Starting next week, Barnes & Noble will ship its $249 Nook Color (nookcolor.com), a luxury model in the e-reader world currently dominated by the $139 monochrome Amazon.com Kindle. While the original Nook offered a gray-scale readingscreen and a thin, color touch strip for browsing the bookstore, this model is one big color touch screen. It connects to the Web using only Wi-Fi and costs $100 more than last year's comparable Wi-Fi Nook, but a Barnes & Noble spokeswoman said that preorders online and in stores are far exceeding company expectations, with over twice as many as for last year's Nook.

上周,巴诺书店(Barnes & Noble)开始发售一款售价249美元的彩屏阅读器Nook Color(详情请见官网介绍:nookcolor.com),这在目前由亚马逊公司(Amazon)的单色屏阅读器Kindle所主导的电子书市场来说,算是一个奢侈品了。要知道,Kindle的售价只有139美元。去年上市的第一代Nook使用的是灰度屏,在主阅读屏的下方有一块窄窄的彩色触摸屏,可以浏览网上书店。而此次推出的第二代Nook却有一块大大的彩屏。相比去年同类Wi-Fi机型,新机型的价格贵了100美元,且用户只能使用Wi-Fi连接互联网。尽管价格不菲,但巴诺的女发言人说,网上和实体店的预订数量远远超出了公司的预期,是去年发售第一代Nook时预订量的两倍多。

I've been testing the Nook Color over the past week and I like its book-size build and stylish design. Its user interface is inviting and its digital bookstore is redesigned to make shopping for books enjoyable. Nook Color is aimed at people who are primarily focused on reading but crave the iPad's color and some of its versatility.

过去一周来我一直在测试Nook Color,我很喜欢它书本一般的大小和时尚的设计。Nook的用户界面很友好,数字书店经过重新设计,网上购书的体验更加愉快。Nook Color的目标客户注重阅读体验,但同时渴望自己的阅读器能有iPad那样的彩屏和多功能性。

Like the Kindle, the Nook Color has a Web browser and some apps but no dedicated email program or way to access an app store. A spokeswoman for Barnes & Noble says a full email program and app store are expected early next year.

同Kindle一样,Nook Color装有一个网络浏览器和一些应用程序,但没有专用电子邮件程序,也无法直接访问应用程序商店。据巴诺的发言人透露,明年早些时候一个完整版的电子邮件程序和应用程序商店将会面世。

The Nook Color is unapologetically focused on reading. It accesses Barnes & Noble's library of two million downloadable books and over 100 magazines and newspapers (fewer were available during my pre-release testing). The reader has a feature called ArticleView that displays magazine articles in a clear, readable format. You can highlight passages from books and then share them with friends through Facebook, Twitter or a limited, in-book email system. A LendMe feature gives users an easy way to digitally lend their books to friends for 14 days. And for kids, there's a feature where popular stories are read aloud by people rather than a computer voice.

Nook Color非常注重读者的阅读体验。用户可以在线访问巴诺图书馆的两百万册可下载的书籍,以及超过一百种的杂志和报纸(发售前的测试中可订阅的报刊数量少于这个数字)。这款阅读器还有一个名为ArticleView的功能,可以清晰易读的格式呈现杂志上的文章。你也可以高亮书本上的某些段落,然后通过Facebook、Twitter或内置的一个功能有限的电子邮件系统和朋友分享。而一个名为LendMe的功能则允许用户方便地在朋友间传阅书籍,时间长达14天。热门的儿童读物都辅以真人发声,而非过去的计算机语音朗读。

The Nook Color is more than just a bright, color screen: It's built on the Android 2.1 operating system -- the same mobile OS used to run many smartphones. This gives the deviceaccess to a full Web browser for tasks like reading favorite sites or checking Facebook, which I did easily. Early next year Nook Color will upgrade to Android 2.2, allowing it to play Flash videos.

Nook Color不仅仅是一台色彩明亮的彩屏阅读器,它和许多智能手机一样,也搭载了Android 2.1操作系统。这样通过网络浏览器你就可以访问自己喜欢的网站,或是轻松查看Facebook。明年年初,Nook Color将升级到Android 2.2系统,届时还可以播放Flash影片。

Eight apps found in a section called Extras come loaded on the device including apps for Pandora Internet Radio, chess and Sudoku. I logged into my Pandora account, quickly retrieved my saved list of stations and played a QuickMix of music. I was able to work on a crosswordpuzzle or read a book or magazine on the Nook Color while still listening to Rihanna on the music app.

在一个名为Extras的模块中,我发现了Nook预置的八个应用程序,其中包括潘多拉互联网电台(Pandora Internet Radio)、国际象棋以及开心数独(Sudoku)。我登录到自己的潘多拉账户,很快找到了保存的电台名录,以 QuickMix模式播放了喜欢的音乐。在Nook Color上,我可以一边听着蕾哈娜(Rihanna)的歌,一边做纵横字谜或阅读书籍和杂志。Nook Color也预置了微软(Microsoft)的Quickoffice,包含Word、Excel和PowerPoint三个组件,用户可以阅读(但不可以编辑)存放在MicroSD卡中的相关文档。明年年初Nook Color的应用程序商店推出以后,用户就可以下载免费或付费的应用程序了。

Microsoft's Quickoffice software for Word, Excel and PowerPoint comes built into the Nook Color so users can view -- but not edit -- documents in these programs if they're loaded onto the device with a MicroSD card. Until the Nook Color's app store launches early next year, there's no way to download free or paid apps.

想要玩转Nook Color并不困难。屏幕下方有一个小小的"n"字按钮,可以让你迅速返回主屏幕。你也可以用装在MicroSD卡中的照片做 纸,个性化自己的桌面。"每日书架"(Daily Shelf)位于主屏幕的底部,专门更新报纸(每日)、期刊(每周或每月,取决于你的订阅情况)以及朋友借给你的书籍。你可以将书架上的报刊杂志拖放到主屏幕的任何位置,用两个手指就可以调整大小。一个快速导航按钮可以依次显示Nook Color的六大模块:图书馆、商店、搜索、附加功能、网络和设置。主屏幕顶端有一个"继续阅读"(Keep Reading)的图标,点击之后,屏幕就会显示你上一次阅读的内容,并直接跳转到相关段落。

Navigating around the Nook Color is a cinch. A tiny 'n' just below the screen returns you to the home screen, which can be customized with photos loaded via a MicroSD card. The Daily Shelf is a dedicated horizontal section at the bottom of the home screen that updates whenever possible with new versions of newspapers (daily), magazines (weekly or monthly, if you subscribe) or books lent to you by friends. Anything on the Daily Shelf can be dragged out onto the home screen, placed anywhere and resized by pinching two fingers out or together. A Quick Nav button displays the Nook Color's six sections: Library, Shop, Search, Extras, Web and Settings. A 'Keep Reading' prompt at the top of the home screen shows the last thing you were reading; selecting it sends you to right where you left off.

Nook Color的重量不到一磅,是Kindle的两倍,但仍比苹果iPad轻了0.5磅。如果阅读的时间较长,你会觉得有点沉,我的解决办法是将Nook靠在书桌或枕头旁。

Nook Color weighs just under a pound, or twice as much as the Kindle but still a half-pound lighter than Apple's larger iPad. It felt a bit heavy in my hands as I read from it for a long period of time, but I solved that by leaning it against a desk or pillow.

在读斯泰西•希夫(Stacy Schiff)的《埃及艳后的一生》(Cleopatra: A Life)时,我发现了一个有趣的细节,公元前一世纪的婚约中特别规定,妻子必须发誓不得向丈夫的餐饮中添加春药。我敲了一下屏幕,调出虚拟的亮光笔,并高亮这一区域,然后通过电邮向朋友发送这一信息。内置的快捷方式允许用户通过邮件、Facebook和Twitter和朋友分享信息。我截取了另一个段落贴在Facebook上供朋友阅览。所有这些截取的段落都有链接指向巴诺书店,供读者购买相关图书。

While reading Stacy Schiff's 'Cleopatra: A Life,' I found a particularly interesting tidbit about first-century B.C. marriage contracts requiring wives to vow not to add love potions to their husbands' food or drink. I highlighted this passage by tapping once on the screen and dragging highlighter handles around it, and then sent it to friends via email with a built-in shortcut for sharing through email, Facebook or Twitter. I selected another passage and posted it on my Facebook wall for friends to read. All these posts had links to buy books from Barnes & Noble.

我很喜欢在Nook Color上阅读杂志,因为阅读效果和纸质杂志无异。垂直放置阅读器时,屏幕每次会显示一幅色彩鲜艳的页面。而水平放置的时候,可以显示两页。杂志可以零买,也可以订阅,零买《美丽家居》(House Beautiful)的价格是4.50美元,而订阅价仅为1.99美元。看杂志时,快速导航按钮也有作用,你可以用手指轻轻向右或向左划一下,就能跳到具体文章或段落。

I really enjoyed reading magazines on the Nook Color because these appeared much as they do in print. Brightly colored pages appeared one at a time when I held the device vertically, or two pages at a time in horizontal view. Magazines can be bought per issue or via subscriptions; a single current issue of House Beautiful was $4.50 or $1.99 with a subscription. The Quick Nav button works in magazines, too, so you can flick a finger right or left to skip ahead to specific sections or articles.

如果你喜欢读书,并希望和朋友分享阅读体验,同时又能及时获悉社交网络的更新信息,那么Nook Color绝对能满足你的需求。它同时兼具平板计算机的使用体验,像浏览网页、使用应用程序以及最终收发电邮都不在话下。当然,别忘了Nook Color其实是一款激光聚焦型电子阅读器。

If you love reading and want to share your books with friends or reading updates with social networks, the Nook Color has you covered. It will also give you a taste of tablet computing with functions like browsing the Web, using some apps and eventually, full emailing. Just remember that Nook Color is laser-focused on e-reading.

Katherine Boehret