
Being a manager is a heady position. But this role also comes with certain responsibilities and many anxieties.


Young managers may not have all the right skills needed to fulfill their managerial duties. If you've been a manager for a while, you may be getting frustrated that your company hasn't yet promoted you further. At various stages of your managerial tenure, different types of questions and doubts may linger in your mind.


Often, a frank conversation with your superiors, your peers or even your team members -- depending on the situation -- can help resolve your quandaries. Here are some other ways to tackle five common dilemmas that managers face in their jobs or in their careers.


Poor people skills


As a manager, one of your most important jobs is to communicate with and motivate your team members and also to deal with other team heads and higher-ups in your organization.


To do this effectively, it's essential that you have the ability to work and communicate with various types of people, including those junior and senior to you. That could be a challenge, particularly for someone who is an introvert.


One way to get more comfortable around people, especially your team, is to spend more time with them. Consider setting up a weekly lunch or coffee with your team members and use the opportunity to ask about their work and how it can be improved. Remember, you don't have to become their best friend.


At the same time, check if your organization has any programs to help out people in your situation. For instance, some organizations have programs in which the manager is 'assigned a buddy, mentor or can be coached on the skill he needs,' says Neetasha Joshi, senior vice president and head of human resources at Tata AIG Life Insurance Co. Ltd.

同时,请留意公司是否有项目可以帮到处于你这个位置的人。塔塔AIG人寿保险公司(Tata AIG Life Insurance Co. Ltd)资深副总裁兼人力资源主管乔希(Neetasha Joshi)说,比如,有些公司会有这样的项目,可以给项目管理者指派一个合作导师,或者可以为其提供必要的技能指导。

The challenge of decision-making


A manager's decisions can have an impact on an entire team, so your decisions are more important than ever before. But not all of us are born with good decision-making skills. How do you acquire them?


One way could be by observing your superiors in situations where they have to make decisions, says Alpana Sagar, vice president of human capital at Feedback Ventures, a infrastructure-service provider.

基础设施咨询机构Feedback Ventures人力资源副总裁塞格尔(Alpana Sagar)说,一个方法就是观察你的上司是如何做决策的。

For tough decisions, ask your boss for specificguidance. It might help to read books on management and leadership skills, or maybe even take a leadership course.


When it comes to important decisions which will affect the entire team, try to canvass opinion from various parties including team members. What do they think would be the solution to a particular problem, you might ask? This can make them feel included in the decision-making process and may throw up some factors for you to consider which you might not have thought of yourself.


Career fatigue


After a few years on the job as a manager, there might come a time when you feel like you have stopped learning in your role and are stagnating. To counter this careerfatigue, try to take on more responsibility or new initiatives to make your existing role more exciting.


If that's not a possibility, it might be time to consider another role in the company that you would like to take on. Figure out what skills would be needed for that role and 'then create a plan for how you want to build them,' said Praful Bhat, executive vice president of human resources at Godrej Agrovet Ltd, in an email response.

如果做不到这一点,那你也许可以考虑换一个自己愿意去做的新岗位。Godrej Agrovet Ltd公司的人力资源执行副总裁布哈特(Praful Bhat)在回复我们的邮件中写道,想清楚那个岗位需要怎样的技能,然后给自己列一个计划来培养这些技能。

Sign up for company programs that train managers 'on new facets of the business or best practices,' says Inasu George, seniormanager of business planning and transition at Fidelity National Financial India, a financial services company.

印度富达国民金融公司(Fidelity National Financial India)负责业务规划及转型的资深经理乔治(Inasu George)的建议是,去申请公司那些能够在业务新领域及最佳实践方面锻炼管理者的项目。

The Money question


This dilemma haunts professionals at various levels of their career.


You are ambitious and want to fatten your paycheck as soon as possible. You know there might be competitors who would pay you more and give you a better designation than you currently have. When does it make sense to jump ship?


Experts caution against being too hasty in changing jobs because in today's times it can leave a bad impression that you are money-hungry.


'First, look for a change in the same place and climb the ladder as much as (you) can,' says Ashesh Amin, director of apparel and retail at S. Kumar Nationwide Ltd. 'Improve yourself by managing and learning multiple roles.'

S. Kumar Nationwide Ltd.公司的服饰零售总监阿明(Ashesh Amin)说,首先,要在原公司寻求转变,尽可能地往职场阶梯的高处爬升。通过尝试不同的岗位并坚持学习来提升自我。

That will improve your market value within the organization, helping your chances for a better salary. If that doesn't happen, with your improved skills, you can get an even better job outside the organization at a later point.


Unmet expectations


You have been managing a team for a while and you feel ready to step up to the next level. Perhaps your company or boss had suggested a period of time after which you might be promoted and that has not happened. This may lead to restlessness and doubts.


To resolve this situation, first conduct an honest introspection of what you have achieved. Have you met the targets expected of you and gained the experience necessary?


Organizations often care more about the manager's depth of knowledge, rather than the number of years he or she has spent in the role, says Ms. Joshi of AIG.


Consider having a frank discussion with your boss. What else do you need to do to move to the next level? If he or she is not approachable, ask for feedback from peers, seniormanagers and even your team about how you are performing.


'Identify your strengths and weaknessesâ ¦before deciding a career development plan for yourself,' says Manmohan Bhutani, vice president of people and operations at Fiserv Inc, a provider of technology solutions.

技术解决方案供应商Fiserv Inc公司负责人力资源和运营的副总裁布塔尼(Manmohan Bhutani)说,在做出职业发展规划之前,先要了解自己的强项和弱点。

If you still feel that you deserve the promotion and are getting stymied, it might be time to move on.


Prerna Sodhi