
The road to the mall may be paved with good intentions, but retailers know just how to get inside that part of your brain that yells, 'Buy me!' And this holiday season, they're rolling out more tricky marketing strategies to encourage recession-scarred shoppers to spend. 'Shoppers are dealing with a whole new arsenal of tricks,' says Kit Yarrow, a professor of psychology and marketing and Golden Gate University in San Francisco.

在去往购物中心的路上,你可能满怀着精打细算的良好愿望,可是,商家总是有办法打动你脑子里高声叫嚷着"我要买"的那个部分。眼下这个假期购物旺季里,他们又推出了一些更加狡猾的促销招数,务必让业已遭受萧条重创的顾客们打开腰包。旧金山金门大学(Golden Gate University)的心理学及营销学教授亚罗(Kit Yarrow)说,眼下,顾客们必须应付五花八门无所不包的新型促销花招。

Merchants have always used marketing tricks and rotating sales to encourageconsumers to open their wallets, but this year, they're pushing every psychologicalbutton they can, retail experts say. Competition for shoppers, plus a tepid holiday shopping outlook, means retailers are doing whatever they can to attract deal-hunting consumers' attention