
Work stress bringing you down? In today's highly competitiveenvironment, it's tough to avoid work-related stress.


In a worst-case scenario, it can cause health problems or tension at home and performance issues at work.


Psychologists and counselors advise that employees should identify the cause of their stress and tackle it head on. But often, there's no single cause and it's a combination of factors. In that case, you need to improve your ability to cope with stress.


Here are some tips to follow in your daily routine, which can help you do that.


1. Mini-breaks

1. 小憩一会

It's common for many of us to stay stuck to our desks for hours on end because we feel we can't afford to take a break. But counselors say this hurts us in the long-run, because our minds can't functionefficiently non-stop. They advisetaking a three- to five-minute break every one or two hours. It could be as simple as walking to the office water cooler, or getting up from your desk to stretch your muscles.


2. The lunch break

2. 用好午休时间

Lunch time is likely your longest break during the work day, so don't waste it.


If you are not in the habit of taking regular lunch, set a reminder in your Outlook or mobile phone to do so. Even on hectic days when you might be tempted to skip lunch, don't do it. 'If possible, get up and get away from your desk when you're eating, because otherwise you're staying in that high-stress area for a long time,' says Karuna Bhaskar, a counseling psychologist at 1to1help.net Pvt. Ltd., a counseling firm in Bangalore.

如果不习惯定时吃午饭,你可以在Outlook或者手机上设一个提醒。即使是在忙得不可开交、可能不想吃午饭的时候,那也不能不吃。班加洛尔咨询公司1to1help.net Pvt. Ltd.心理咨询师巴斯卡尔(Karuna Bhaskar)说,如有可能,吃饭的时候要站起来离开你的办公桌,因为不这样做的话,你可能就是长时间处在一个高压力区域之中。

3. A hobby and a friend help

3. 来点业余爱好和人际交往

Try and squeeze in a 10- to 15-minute break once every three hours and use that time to pursue activities that give you pleasure. 'Have a cup of coffee with somebody else. Crack some jokes,' says Ms. Bhaskar.


4. The right foods

4. 别乱吃东西

When we are stressed out, some of us tend to eat more. Often, we turn to junk food like chips or cookies or sweets. But while sugar can provide a short-term rush, it can leave you feeling deflated not to mention adding to your weight. Do yourself a favor by keeping some healthy snacks around. These could include dried fruits, peanuts, cut-up carrots and cucumbers.


5. Nice surroundings help

5. 东西摆放整洁

If you have a desk or a cubicle, it's almost like your home during the work day. Try and keep your work-space tidy â ' that will not only allow you to find things more easily but also lend a sense of calmness and of having things under control.


Try adding a personal touch to the workplace, like a family photo â 'something which reminds you what all the hard work is for.


6. Time management

6. 把时间安排好

This may sound clichéd but it works!


Often, we get stressed because we're rushing to complete our tasks and meet our deadlines. Maybe you have too much on your plate but more likely, the lack of time is because of poor time-management. Planning in advance can help.


One idea could be to come to work 30 minutes before everyone else and use that quiet time for thinking and planning for the day.


7. Deep breathing

7. 深呼吸

Sometimes when we are seriouslystressed out, we are so focused on our work that our breathing becomes shallow. Take a minute to breathe deeply. Put your hand on your stomach and when you inhale deeply, your abdomen should come out. When you exhale, it should go in. Do this a few times and you will feel relaxed almost immediately.


8. Get a life

8. 丰富业余生活

Believe it or not, what you do outside work has a huge impact on how you feel at work.


If you simply come home, eat dinner and start working again, you will never completely relax. If possible, make plans to do something once or twice a week, say dinner or a movie. It gives you something to look forward to during your work days. Make plans for the weekend.


9. Exercise

9. 经常锻炼

When you are stressed, your body tenses up as if it's about to get into a fight.


Exercise can help burn off that energy, thus easing your tension. So make it a point to exercise often, even if it's for a short period of time. It will also generally make you happier because exercise releases feel-good hormones. As an added bonus, regular exercise gives you a sense of achievement from having accomplished what you had planned to do.


10. Better lifestyle choices

10. 养成良好的生活习惯

Sometimes people turn to smoking or excessive drinking as stress-busters, but these cause much bigger problems in the long run. Instead, individuals should make lifestyle choices which make them physically fit, which in turn, helps them cope with stress better.
