
Fish-oil supplements don't appear to help pregnant women prevent post-partum depression or boost the baby's brain development as previously" target="_blank" title="ad.预先;以前">previously believed, according to a large trial published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

根据美国医学学会杂志(Journal of the American Medical Association)周二发表的一份大型实验报告,鱼肝油补品似乎不像此前认为的那样,能够帮助孕妇避免产后抑郁并促进婴儿脑部的发育。

The 2,400-woman, randomized study complicates the advice for pregnant women. It adds to a body of mixed research on some potential benefits of the popular omega-3 fatty acid known as DHA, or docosahexaenoic acid. DHA, which can move from the mother to the baby during pregnancy, accumulates in the brain and is thought to be involved in helping brain cells communicate.


In general, for healthy women with normal pregnancies, '[DHA] supplementation will actually not give you a huge benefit in terms of neurodevelopmental outcomes and reducing depressive symptoms,' said Maria Makrides, an author on the study and deputydirector of the Women's and Children's Health Research Institute in North Adelaide, Australia.

上述研究报告的作者玛克莱斯(Maria Makrides)说,大体来说,对于正常妊娠的健康女性而言,(DHA)补品实际上不会对神经发育的结果和减轻抑郁症状起到太大作用。玛克莱斯还是澳大利亚北阿德莱德妇幼健康研究中心(Women's and Children's Health Research Institute)的副主任。

The results are 'disappointing,' said Emily Oken, a professor of population medicine at Harvard Medical School and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute, who wrote an editorial to accompany the paper but wasn't involved in the study. But 'it doesn't mean we should give up on fish or fish oil during pregnancy,' she said.

哈佛医学院(Harvard Medical School)及哈佛皮尔格林医疗保健研究所(Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute)的族群医学教授奥肯(Emily Oken)说,这样的结果令人失望,但她说,这并不意味着我们在怀孕期间应该放弃吃鱼或是食用鱼肝油。奥肯针对这份报告写了一篇评论,但她本人没有参与此次研究。

Several previous studies have shown that eating fish during pregnancy helped in the baby's brain development and in reducing the risk of post-partum depression. That research, however, typically didn't involve randomized, controlled studies. Instead, women were asked whether or not they chose to eat fish during pregnancy.


It could be the case that eating fish is better than taking fish-oil supplements or that women who opt to eat fish are generally healthier and engage in other health-promoting behaviors, Dr. Oken said. The few trials conducted that separated participants, into a group taking fish-oil supplements and another that didn't, weren't well done, because the women often knew if they were getting the supplement, and in some cases there wasn't a comparison group at all, she said.


The latest study does suggest that some subgroups of women might benefit from fish-oil supplements. For instance, those with a history of clinical depression -- and thus are at higher risk of post-partum depression -- who took 800 milligrams of fish oil daily lowered their risk of getting depressed after the birth by about 4% compared with those who didn't take fish oil.


However, the difference wasn't statistically significant because of the small number of women in the study who had been previously" target="_blank" title="ad.预先;以前">previouslydepressed, said Dr. Makrides, who is also a professor of human nutrition at the University of Adelaide.

然而玛克莱斯说,这种差异并不具有重要的统计意义,因为一小部分参加实验的女性此前曾有过抑郁症状。玛克莱斯还是阿德莱德大学(University of Adelaide)人类营养学教授。

Women in the fish-oil group had lower rates of pre-term births, particularly births earlier than 34 weeks of gestation. But, there was a trade-off: More women who took the supplement needed their labor to be induced or had caesarean sections because the babies stayed in the womb longer, said Dr. Makrides.


Additional research is needed to study the benefits of targeting DHA supplements to women with a history of depression or who previously" target="_blank" title="ad.预先;以前">previously had a premature baby, according to Dr. Makrides. However, all pregnant women should strive for balance and eat a variety of foods, including fish, she said.


Omega-3 fatty acids are the fourth most common supplement after multivitamins, calcium and vitamin C, according to the Council for Responsible Nutrition, an industry trade group.

据行业组织诚信保健品协会(Council for Responsible Nutrition),欧米伽-3脂肪酸在所有补品种类中是第四常见的,前三类为复合维生素、钙和维生素C。

Other health benefits have been attributed to omega-3s. Research suggests they lower triglyceride fat levels and are likely helpful in preventing heart disease, according to the National Institutes of Health. There is some evidence omega-3s also may help decrease blood pressure, improve thinking in kids with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, help with weight loss and reduce the risk of endometrial cancer. Fish oil doesn't seem to help lower blood sugar for diabetics, however, and there isn't enough research to conclude effectiveness for conditions such as Alzheimer's disease, irregular heart beat and cancer, according to the NIH.

欧米伽-3还有其他的健康功效。据美国国家卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health),研究表明它们能降低甘油三酯脂肪水平,可能有助于预防心脏病。有迹象显示,欧米伽-3还有助于降低血压、改善注意力难以集中的多动症孩子的思维活动情况,对减肥和降低子宫内膜癌风险也有一定作用。但该研究院说,鱼肝油似乎无助于降低糖尿病患者的血糖,也没有充分研究表明它在老年痴呆症、心律不齐和癌症等情况上的有效性。

Shirley S. Wang