Pablo Picasso's 1932
portrait of his blonde
mistress sold for $106.4 million at Christie's in New York on Tuesday,
setting a new world record for most
expensive work of art at auction.
加索(Pablo Picasso)于1932年为其金发碧眼的情人创作的画像周二在纽约佳士得(Christie)拍卖行拍出1.064亿美元的天价,创下最昂贵艺术品的最新拍卖世界纪录。
The jewel-toned
painting, 'Nude, Green Leaves and Bust,' sold to Christie's
specialist Nick Hall, who fielded bids from an
anonymous telephone bidder.
这幅宝石色的《裸体、绿叶和半身像》(Nude, Green Leaves and Bust)画作出售给了佳士得拍卖行的专家霍尔(Nick Hall),他替一个匿名电话投标者出价。
The sale breaks the $104.3 million record set three months ago by Alberto Giacometti's 'Walking Man I'
sculpture at Sotheby's.
此次拍卖打破了三个月前由贾科梅蒂(Alberto Giacometti)的一件青铜雕塑《行走的人》(Walking Man I)在苏富比(Sotheby)创出的1.043亿美元的拍卖纪录。
The Picasso was priced to sell for between $70 million and $90 million.