
Sex and the City 2


May 27

一句话影评:凯瑞(Carrie) 与她的朋友们回来了,不过故事场景从曼哈顿的街道转到了阿布扎比的沙丘。该片的导演兼编剧迈克尔•帕特里克•金(Michael Patrick King)说,在写剧本时,全球正处于深度经济危机中,他就想,世上何处能躲开危机追逐奢华呢?丽莎•明柰利(Liza Minnelli)与麦莉•赛勒斯(Miley Cyrus)加入演员阵容。

The Pitch: Carrie and her friends are back, but their playground has switched from the streets of Manhattan to the dunes of Abu Dhabi. 'When I was writing it, we were in the middle of an economic downturn, and I thought -- where in the world can I escape that for extravagance?' says writer-director Michael Patrick King. Miley Cyrus and Liza Minnelli join the cast.

票房展望:同样由迈克尔•帕特里克•金编剧并执导的《欲望都市1》,在两年前由华纳兄弟(Warner Bros.) 属下的新线影业(New Line)发行之时,全球票房总收入超过四亿美元,部分原因是女性将其视为一件大事,成群结队地去观看。新线影业目前正在对《欲望都市2》进行大规模的宣传推广,发行时间与该片第一部大致相同。

The Prospects: The first 'Sex and the City' movie, which Mr. King also wrote and directed, grossed more than $400 million world-wide when Warner Bros.' New Line released it two summers ago, in part because women treated the film as an event, going in large groups. New Line is putting a big marketing push behind the movie and releasing it around the same time as the original film.




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  • writing [´raitiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.书写;写作;书法 (初中英语单词)
  • playground [´pleigraund] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.操场;运动场 (高中英语单词)
  • manhattan [mæn´hætən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.曼哈顿 (英语四级单词)