
A purported iPhone prototype entered a bar. Silicon Valley was left abuzz.


众所周知,苹果公司(Apple Inc.)对自己的下一代产品向来三缄其口。根据预测,它的新款手机将在今年夏季亮相,但在刚刚过去的周末,疑似为新款手机的照片已经出现在了科技网站Engadget上。该网站称,一位报料人在加利福尼亚州圣何塞一家酒吧的地上捡到了这部手机。

Apple Inc. has been characteristically mum about its next-generation iPhone, which is expected out this summer. But photos purported to be of the new phone appeared over the weekend on the technology Web site Engadget, which said a tipster found the device on a barroom floor in San Jose, Calif.

商业博客网络Gawker Media旗下科技网站Gizmodo周一也登出了相似手机的照片,并称这部手机是某人在圣何塞北部红杉市的一家酒吧发现的。于是网上掀起了一股讨论iPhone的热潮。有人怀疑Gizmodo花钱买下了这部手机,对此Gawker Media负责人登顿(Nick Denton)在微博网站Twitter上发言说,是的,我们是付费新闻的骄傲践行者,为了新闻我们可以付出一切。

周一较晚时候,Gizmodo全面描述了报料人获取这部手机的过程。这家博客网站说,3月18日,苹果公司一位软件工程师不小心将手机遗失在了红杉市的露天德国啤酒酒吧Gourmet Haus Staudt。博客文章道出了工程师的名字,并刊登了据称是这位工程师的照片,还公布了一个链接,指向图片分享网站Flickr上一个据称属于这位工程师的页面。

IPhone frenzy quickly spread on the Web Monday, after Gawker Media's Gizmodo technology Web site posted photos of a similar-looking phone that it said someone found at a bar in Redwood City, north of San Jose. In response to suggestions that Gizmodo paid for the phone, Gawker chief Nick Denton tweeted, 'Yes, we're proud practitioners of checkbook journalism. Anything for the story.'

苹果公司一位发言人没有回复置评请求。就这部手机撰写第一篇文章的Gizmodo编辑Jason Chen在电子邮件中说,他是在不到一个星期之前获得手机的。他说,我们不是最初发现这部手机的人。

Engadget隶属于美国在线(AOL Inc.),其主编托波尔斯基(Joshua Topolsky)说,4月17日,有声称在一家酒吧捡到手机的人联系了这家网站。这些人让Engadget付费拿到这部手机,但Engadget在咨询律师后没有这样做。托波尔斯基表示,我们相信是同一部手机。

Late on Monday, Gizmodo provided a full account about how its source got ahold of the phone. It said an Apple software engineer mistakenly left it behind at the Gourmet Haus Staudt, a German beer garden in Redwood City, on March 18. The blog identified the man by name, and published what it said were photos of him as well as links to a page on the photo-sharing site Flickr that it said belonged to him.

这部手机或许只是一个恶作剧,但如果是一部真正的样机,则会对苹果公司的营销计划产生很大的影响。苹果公司对于新产品都会花很大力气保密,只有首席执行长乔布斯(Steve Jobs)才能揭开神秘的面纱,给人们一个惊喜。


A spokeswoman for Apple didn't respond to a request for comment. In an email, Jason Chen, the Gizmodo editor who wrote the first entry describing the phone, said he received the phone a little less than a week ago. 'We were not the people who found it originally,' he said.

这些照片(以及Gizmodo称它拿到了这部手机)让人们纷纷猜测,考虑到苹果公司对于谁可以把样机带出办公室有着严格的控制,一部iPhone样机怎么又可能出现在一家酒吧。运营科技网站Daring Fireball的格鲁贝尔(John Gruber)在一篇博客文章里说,苹果公司认为这部手机是被偷了,而不是丢了。


Joshua Topolsky, editor-in-chief of Engadget, which is owned by AOL Inc., said that the site was contacted April 17 by people who claimed to have found the device in a bar. These people asked Engadget to pay for access to the device, but it declined to do so after consulting with its attorneys. 'We believe it's the same device,' said Mr. Topolsky.



The device could prove a hoax, but if the phone is an authentic prototype, it could take a bite out of marketing plans at Apple, which goes to great lengths to keep new products a surprise until Chief Executive Steve Jobs can unveil them.

Gizmodo称,这部手机被发现时是装在一个保护套里的,这样看起来很像iPhone 3GS。该网站相信这部手机属于真品,因为连接电脑时的表现和iPhone相似,发现这部手机的人也称,手机运行的是刚刚宣布的最新款操作系统,但后来"苹果公司通过远程手段令这部手机死了机"。

Yukari Iwatani Kane
  • valley [´væli] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.谷;河谷;流域 (初中词汇)
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  • account [ə´kaunt] 移动到这儿单词发声 vi.说明 vt.认为 n.帐目 (初中词汇)
  • respond [ri´spɔnd] 移动到这儿单词发声 v.回答;响应;有反应 (初中词汇)
  • comment [´kɔment] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.&v.评论;评注;注意 (初中词汇)
  • executive [ig´zekjutiv] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.行政的 n.行政官 (初中词汇)
  • response [ri´spɔns] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.回答;响应 (高中词汇)
  • access [´ækses] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.接近;通路;进入 (高中词汇)
  • weekend [´wi:kend, ,wi:k´end] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.周末休假 (四级词汇)
  • frenzy [´frenzi] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.&vt.(使)狂乱 (四级词汇)
  • mistakenly [mis´teikənli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.错误地 (四级词汇)
  • authentic [ɔ:´θentik] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.真实的;可靠的 (四级词汇)
  • journalism [´dʒə:nəlizəm] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.新闻业;新闻工作 (六级词汇)