
  九年级英语第十五单元At home with the twins

  科目 英语

  年级 初三

  文件 middle3 unit15.rar

  标题 At home with the twins

  章节 第十五单元






  四会: right away, whether, for long, make friends, get on ... with...mistake, make a mistake, dance, either, light, dark, take one's time, cost, try ... on

  三会: lonely, fight, decide, wool(l)en, hang, cotton, expensive, soft


  right away It feels strange to do...

  a twin sister for long

  make friends with... get on (well) with...

  mistake sb for sb make a mistake

  feel the same on one's birthday

  light / dark green decide to do

  birthday present make problems

  fight about play with

  try sth on have a look at ...

  take one's time



  2. 日常交际用语


  Do we need some more ... ?

  Can you go and get some, please?

  What can I do for you?

  Do you like this one?

  Can I try it on?

  It's (not) cheap enough.

  I'd like two sweaters for my daughter.

  Please take your time.

  I can't decide which one to buy.


  3. 语法





  用情态动词must提问时, 否定回答用needn't ;

  用need做情态动词提问时, 肯定回答用must .

  I needn't show her the answer to the question, need I?

  我不必把这个问题的答案给她看, 是吗?

  "Must you finish your homework today?"


  "Yes, I must"("No, I needn't.")

  "是的, 我必须今天完成."("不, 我不必今天完成.")

  "Need she go at once?"


  "Yes, she must."("No, she needn't.")

  "是的, 她必须马上走."("不, 她不必马上走.")

  need作为实意动词有它作为动词的多种形式, 可以用于各种

  句型之中, 表示不同的意义.

  实际上need较多地用于实意动词, 较少用于情态动词.

  在表示过去意义时, 常用作实意动词, 而不用作情态动词.

  "Does he need to wash his hands?"


  "Yes, he does. / No, he doesn't."

  "是的, 他得洗. / 不, 他不必洗."

  Did they need to do it yesterday?


  We need to practise speaking English more often, don't we?

  我们需要多练习说英语, 是不是?



  否定疑问句一般用来表示惊异, 责难, 赞叹, 邀请或建议等,


  That's really a great place. Don't you go with us?

  那真是一个奇妙的地方, 你难道不和我们一块去? (惊异)

  Why are you so late? Didn't I tell you to come early?

  你为什么来得这么迟? 我不是叫你早点来的吗? (责备)

  Isn't the film interesting!

  这部电影真是有趣极了. (赞叹)

  Won't you have another cup of tea?

  再喝一杯茶好吗? (邀请或建议)

  Mom, can't Lily do it?

  妈妈, Lily就不能做吗? (责备)

  有时对不太有把握的事情向对方提问, 也可以用这种否定疑问句;

  这时答语应该和附加问句的答语一样, 如果是肯定的, 要用Yes,

  否则就用No, 这跟汉语的习惯很不相同.

  "Aren't you in Class Two?""Yes, I am."

  "你不是二班的学生吧?""不, 我是二班的."

  "Doesn't she want to go?""No, she doesn't."

  "她难道不想去吗?""是的, 她不想去."


  (...亦)如此, (...也)同样

  通常用于"so + 系动词/助动词/情态动词 + 主语"的句型中.

  I was late and so was she.

  我迟到了, 她也是.

  "I am leaving now.""So am I."


  "I saw the film on TV. ""So did I."


  "I can play tennis.""So can I."



  通常用于"so + 主语 + 系动词/助动词/情态动词"的句型中.

  "She is very good at swimming.""So she is."

  "她很擅长游泳.""不错, 确实如此."

  "Tom often goes to school by bike.""So he does."

  "汤姆经常骑车去上学.""不错, 的确如此."

  "She's made a mistake about me.""So she has."


  "She can help her mother with the cooking.""So she can."

  "她会帮妈妈做饭""是的, 她会."


  what引导的是名词性从句, 在复合句中可以做主语, 宾语, 表语.


  what从句可以用来表示一种问题, 具有疑问概念.这种从句结构上

  仍是一个特殊问句, 只是不用倒装语序.

  What she wants to say isn't clear to us.


  I don't know what he said at the meeting.


  The problem is what we should do next.


  What从句可以表示一种东西或事情, 不具有疑问概念.


  That's what we need.


  What I saw there is not easy to forget.


  Do you still remember what she said?


  The factory is quite different from what it was.




  和疑问词引导的宾语从句一样, 从句的语序应为陈述句语序,

  即whether/if + 主语 + 谓语.

  "Lucy, can you go and get some tea?" she asked.

  She asked Lucy if / whether she could go and get some tea.


  He asked, "Are you a doctor or a teacher?"

  He asked me whether I was a doctor or a teacher.



  alone是陈述一个客观事实, 独自一个人, 没有同伴或助手.

  Lonely则有浓厚的情感色彩, 表示"渴望伴侣"、"孤独地, 寂寞地"

  He was alone in the room when I saw him.

  我看到他时, 他独自一人在屋里.

  He feels lonely when he is left alone.

  只剩下他一个人的时候, 他就感到孤独.

  7.for long (副)长久(地) (用于否定句, 疑问句, if从句)

  We won't stay there for long.


  Were you there for long?


  8.make friends with sb. 意思是"与某人交朋友", 其中friends总是


  My father likes to make friends with doctors.


  I decide to make friends with Tom.



  9.get on/along with sb与(某人) 相处

  How are you getting on with your classmates?


  We get on well with each other.


  He doesn't get on well his teacher.


  get on/along with sth. 在(某方面)进展或进行

  How are you getting on/along with your study of English?


  Things are getting on well here.


  Go and see how he's getting on with his work.


  10.mistake可以作动词(vt.), 意思是"误解..., 弄错, 误会"

  mistake + n.

  I mistook his meaning / what he meant.


  I often mistake the date/ the address.


  mistake + n. + for + n. 把...误为...

  He often mistook me for my brother.


  I'm sorry I mistook you for Mrs Li.


  mistake可以作名词, 意思是"错误, 过失, 误解, 误会"

  make a mistake搞错, 误会

  They call me Lily sometimes and I don't always tell them they've

  made a mistake.

  他们有时叫我Lily, 但我并不每次对他们说他们搞错了.

  make a mistake犯错误, 出错

  Everyone may make mistakes in life.


  You made many mistakes in your exercises.


  We should make as few mistakes as possible in our work.


  11.too, either和also表示"也"


  too用于口语, 语气较强, 放在句尾, 或作插入语放在句中.

  also一般用于正式场合, 紧靠动词.

  either作为副词表示"也", 一般用于否定句中, 与too相对,放在句尾.

  He will go to town tomorrow. I shall go, too.

  他明天将进城去, 我也去.

  He was in Beijing last summer, too.


  I also went to the meeting.


  I've also read that story.


  He is not in the classroom and he isn't in the library, either.

  他不在教室, 他也不在图书馆.

  He didn't go to school yesterday and she didn't either.

  昨天他没去上学, 她也没去.

  12.decide表示"决定, 决心, 判断, 推断"

  decide + to do / that... 决定做...

  He decided to buy a new car.

  = He decided (that) he would buy a new car.


  She decided not to go.

  = She decided that she (should) not go.


  decide + wh- 决定...

  I can't decide which to take.

  = I can't decide which I (should) take.



  13.take one's time vi. 慢慢来

  You don't have to answer quickly. Please take your time.

  你不必着急回答, 请慢慢考虑.


  疑问代词what, which, whom或疑问副词how, when, where可引导

  一个不定式在句中作宾语. 这种结构往往可转换成一个主从复合句, 不定式可改为一个由疑问词引导的宾语从句.

  I don't know what to do next.

  = I don't know what I shall do next.


  Have you decided which to choose?

  = Have you decided which you should choose?


  Do you know whom to go with?

  = Do you know whom you shall go with?


  He showed me how to start the machine.

  = He showed me how I could start the machine.


  Did she tell you when to have the meeting?

  = Did she tell you when we should have the meeting?


  At last I got to know where to find his address.

  = At last I got to know where I could find his address.


  15.cost, spend, pay和take的用法

  Sth. + cost + sb. + money (某物)花了(某人)多少钱

  This sweater cost me 100 dollars.


  Sb + spend + money + on/for + sth. 花钱于....

  I spent 100 dollars on this sweater.


  Sb + spend + time + (in) doing sth. 花多少时间来做...

  I spent my summer vacation (in) reading and fishing.


  Sb + pay + (sb) + money + for + sth. 某人付给某人多少钱买某物

  I paid (the shopkeeper) 100 dollars for this sweater.

  我付给(店主) 100美元买这件毛衣.

  It + take + sb + time + to do sth做某事花掉某人多少时间

  It took me one hour to finish my homework yesterday.






  I. 找出与划线部分读音不同的单词.

  1. A. change B. make C. mistake D. dance

  2. A. eighth B. either C. eighty D. eight

  3. A. dark B. star C. hard D. war

  4. A. heart B. clear C. hear D. dear

  5. A. school B. moon C. wool D. food

  6. A. weather B. leave C. head D. bread

  7. A. rather B. together C. with D. think

  8. A. enough B. cough C. laugh D. light

  9. A. Britain B. chemistry C. dinner D. mind

  10. A. whether B. whole C. who D. whose



  II. 用所给动词的适当形式填空.

  1.I'm very pleased ________ (hear) that your wife will come to our get-together.


  2.The tow shirts both look nice. I can't decide which ________ (buy).

  3.Whose turn is it ________ (give) a talk in class?

  4.What are you usually doing while your parents _______ (watch) TV?

  5.Can you tell me how much the radio ________ (cost) you?

  6.I ________ (do) some reading when the light went out.

  7.How many times ______ your parents ________ (visit) our school this year?

  8.Where _______ you _______ (go) for your last summer holiday?

  9.How soon ________ you ________ (be) ready for the journey?

  10.I ________ (not stay) there for long.



  III. 单项选择

  1.What have you decided to give your girl friend ________ her birthday?

  A.at B. in C. with D. for

  2.I'd better invite ________ .

  A.both them B. all them

  C. them all D. them of both

  3.________ do you know they are fighting about?

  A.How B. Which C. What D. Where

  4.I don't know how Sally ________ at school with her lessons.

  A.gets up B. gets on C. gets out D. gets down

  5.Sorry I mistook you ________ Mr Green.

  A.with B. of C. by D. for

  6.I don't think a small thing like this ________ so much.

  A.paid B. spent C. cost D. took

  7.He still has no idea when ________ her the bad news.

  A.tells B. telling C. will tell D. to tell

  8.If you stay at school this Sunday, I ________ go anywhere ________ .

  A.don't, either B. don't, too

  C. won't, either D. won't, too

  9.Everybody in our class went to help except you ________ .

  A.and me B. or me C. and I D. or I

  10.He didn't think the shirt ________, so he didn't buy it.

  A.enough cheap B. enough expensive

  C. cheap enough D. expensive enough

  11.________ he told us about how to learn English well is really very important.

  A.Which B. That C. What D. Where

  12.Is this story the same as ________ in that newspaper?

  A.what B. that C. it D. the one

  13.I ________ go there this morning, so I stayed.

  A.needn't to B. didn't need

  C. didn't need to D. needed not

  14."Aren't you Mary's sister?""________. I'm her aunt."

  A.No, I am B. Yes, I'm not

  C. No, I'm not D. Yes, I am

  15."Tom does very well in Chinese.""____________"

  A.He does it B. He does so

  C. So does he D. So he does

  16.She asked me whether ________ able to read and write in English.

  A.was he B. he was

  C. he could be D. could he be

  17."I'm sorry I've forgotten to bring you the letter."

  "Never mind. ________."

  A.I'm going to get it myself

  B.I'm going and get it myself

  C.I'll go and get it myself

  D.I'll go to get myself

  18.I ________ that piece of cake for two yuan.

  A.spent B. cost C. bought D. took

  IV. 完形填空

  Have you ever seen snow? ___1___ people in the world have not. A lot of countries never have snow or they have it only on the tops of very high mountains. In Scotland and in the north or England, there is quite a lot of snow every ___2___ but in the south of England, there is usually ___3___.

  When a student from ___4___ country like Malays (马莱半岛) or Indonesia (印度尼西亚) comes to Britain in autumn for the first time, he feels ___5___ at first. There are ___6___ dark clouds, gray sky and cold rain in Britain in autumn, and most students from warm countries ___7___ like this.

  But snow is different. Although it is very cold, it is very beautiful. Perhaps, after several dark mornings, the student wakes up one day, and there is a lot of ___8___ in his room. He thinks, "Is it so ___9___?" and jumps out of bed. But no, it is no very last. He ___10___ out of the window and there is the ___11___ , on the ground and on the roofs (屋顶) of the houses and ___12___. The light in his room came from that clean, beautiful white snow.


  1. A. A lot of B. Much C. A little D.A lot

  2. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter

  3. A. a little B. little C. few D. a few

  4. A. a cold B. a windy C. a warm D. a rainy

  5. A. hot B. cold C. cool D. warm

  6. A. often B. not C. no D. even

  7. A. not B. does not C. do not D. have

  8. A. light B. dark C. wind D. bright

  9. A. early B. cold C. warm D. late

  10. A. sees B. looks C. looks at D. sees for

  11. A. wind B. rain C. snow D. fog

  12. A.anywhere B. nowhere C. where D.everywhere


文章标签:英语教案  九年级  九年级英语  初三