
  Unit 26 People and work

  Unit 26 People and work

  Teaching Plan Lesson 101.

  1.1 T: Hello, everyone! Ss: Hello, teacher!

  T: Who's on duty today? S: I am.

  T: Do you want to say something to us? S: Yes, I do. ...

  1.2 You can ask the student on duty or another to answer your questions to revise personal details.

  T: What's your name? S: My name is x x x.

  T: Where do you come from? S: I come from x x x.

  T: How old are you? S: I'm thirteen.

  T: What food do you like eating?

  S: I like eating hamburger, potato chips and hot dogs.

  T: What do you like doing?

  S: I like playing football very much and watching TV a little.

  T: What's you address?

  S: My address is Class x, Grade x of No. x Middle School.

  1.3 Get the Ss to ask each other in pairs and then make a short report about their partners.

  Model: My friend is x x x. He/She is 13. He/She comes from x x x. He/She likes eating dumplings very

  much. He/She likes swimming a little. He/She is in Class 2, Grade 3 in No.48 Middle School.

  2.1 T: Good. Now please look at me. (Do pose to teach "a driver") What do I do?

  Ss: (With the teacher's help) You are a driver.

  Get one student to make a pose of a driver and the teacher asks him/her.

  T: What do you do?

  S1: I'm a driver.

  T: (To the class) What does he/she do?

  Ss: He/She is a driver.

  Call out more Ss to make a pose of a teacher, a worker, a student, a doctor, a nurse, a farmer, a soldier,

  a postman, a businessman and a shop assistant or hold the pictures of these jobs. Ask randomly: "What do you do?" and "What does he/she do?"

  2.2 Meanwhile, write down all the new words on the Bb and teach the Ss how to read them correctly. Teach

  the Ss the questions, get them to ask in your place. Divide the class into two-A and B. The teacher holds up

  the pictures or makes gestures.

  A: What do you do?

  T: I'm a shop assistant.

  A: (To B) What does she do?

  B: She is a shop assistant.

  Repeat wish all the other occupations in the same way, especially the new words.

  2.3 Stop holding the pictures or making gestures. Get the class to test each other's memory in pairs by asking and answering "What does x x x do?" Then let some pairs to ask and answer.

  3.1 T: Well, close your books, please. Listen to the tape carefully.

  Ask about each person in the picture:

  What does Hu Yulan do?

  What does Chen Fang do?

  What does Zhao Jiangguo do?

  What does Liang Tao do?

  What does Li Quan do; What does Wu Bin do?

  What does Guo Haifeng do?

  What does Liu Xin do?

  What does Zhang Min do?

  What does Yang Jing do?

  3.2 Play the tape again. Check the answers. Then listen and repeat. Books open! Match the words and pictures in pairs. Check the answers.

  4.1 T: Look at Part 2, look and say. Look at the pictures.

  Help the Ss make up sentences like "Mr. Wu is a worker, he works in a factory." For the other pictures, the Ss may say "Miss Hu is a driver. She works at a bus station. Mr. Li is a doctor. He works in a hospital.

  Mr. Chen is a farmer. He works on a farm. Mr. Yang is a postman. He works in a post office."

  4.2 Write down the new words and the preposition phrases on the Bb. Teach the Ss how to read them and ask them to pay attention to the fixed phrases. Make sure they can make the correct sentences.

  5.1 T: Look at Part 3. Ask and answer in pairs.

  Read through the options, give an example: Where does Wu Bin work? He works in a factory.

  5.2 Get the Ss to guess the meaning of the word "study". Ask the Ss to the care of the prepositions and the

  verb forms. Get some pairs to ask and answer before the whole class. Correct their mistakes.

  5.3 Ask ten students to represent the ten people in Part 1. Get them to say:

  S1: My name is Hu Yulan. I'm a driver. I work at a bus station.

  S2: My name is Chen Fang. I'm a farmer. I work on a farm.

  S3: My name is Zhao Jianguo. I'm a soldier. I work in Xinjiang. (Or other place. If possible, teach

  "in the army".)

  S4: My name is Liang Tao. I'm a businessman. I work in my office.

  S5: My name is Li Quan. I'm a doctor. I work in a hospital.

  S6: My name is Wu Bin. I'm a worker. I work in a factory.

  S7: My name is Guo Haifeng. I'm a student. I study in a school.

  S8: My name is Liu Xin. I'm a shop assistant. I work in a shop.

  S9: My name is Zhang Min. I'm a nurse. I work in a hospital.

  Sl0: My name is Yang Jing. I'm a postman. I work in a post office.

  After one finishes, ask the class "What is his/her name? What does he/she do? Where does he/she work?"

  6.1 T: That's nice. Please turn to page 125 of your workbooks. Look at Ex.2 first. Look at the pictures

  carefully. Read the model, then fill in the blanks with the right verb.

  Do oral work first, then write down the right verbs in the blanks. Remind them to pay attention to the verb


  The answers are: ①does, do, farmer, works; ②does, do, nurse, works; ③does, the, man, do, worker, works.

  Check up their answers by asking and answering in pairs. Correct the mistakes they have made.

  6.2 T: Good. Now let's do Ex.1.

  Explain the rules for changing verbs into the third person singular form. Check up these words carefully: fly, carry, study, watch, catch. Make sure they can write their correct forms and know well about the


  6.3 Ex.3 can be for their homework. Give an example in class. You can add a few words like grandfather, grandmother, in an office, in the army, etc.

  6.4 T: That's enough for today. Please write down Ex.1 in your exercise-books and finish off Ex.3 in your workbooks. Revise the new words and sentence patterns of this lesson. Goodbye, boys and girls.

  Ss: Thank you, teacher. Goodbye.

  • revise [ri´vaiz] 移动到这儿单词发声 vt.修订;修改 四级词汇
  • holding [´həuldiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.保持,固定,存储 六级词汇

文章标签:英语教案  九年级  九年级英语  初三