

   Period 3

   Teaching of new lesson

   Step 1 Assign task

   Teach the new words .

   SB Page 79 , 1a .

   1. Focus attention on the four pictures .

   2. Point to the pictures one by one and ask a student to read the question under each picture to the class .

   3. Ask Ss to check the questions that they think are good small talk questions .

   4. Check the answers .

   SB Page 79 , 1b .

   1. Read the instructions to the class and answer any questions Ss may have .

   2. Then point out the sample conversation in activity 1b .Ask two students to read it to the class .

   3. Say , Now work with your partner .Make your own conversations about the people activity 1a .

   4. Ask several pairs to say one or more of their conversations to the class .

   SB Page 79 , 2a .

   1. Point out the chart with the list of the three conversations .Then read the instructions .

   2. Say ,You will hear three conversations .The people in each conversation are in a different place .

   3. Point to the answer space and say , Write your answer in these spaces .Point out the sample answer .

   4. Play the recording .

   5. Check the answers .

   SB Page 79 , 2b .

   1. Read the instructions .

   2. Point out the sample answer .Ask a student to read the sample question and answer to the class .

   3. Play the recording .Say , Now write the letter in the correct blank in the first column .

   4. Check the answers .

   SB Page 79 , 2c .

   1. Read the instructions .Say , Now you can have your own small talk conversations with your partner .

   2. Point out the list of openers and ask Ss to read these openers to the class .

   3. Then ask Ss to work in pairs .Have Ss make their own small talk conversation using the openers on the list .

   4. Suggest that they write down the lines of their conversation and practice saying them to each other several times .

   5. Ask several pairs to say their completed conversations for the class .

   Step 2 While-task

   SB Page 80 , 3a .

   1. Call attention to the three notes .Read the three notes to the class or have different do it .

   2. Ask the class to read the letters to themselves .Discuss any questions Ss may have .

   3. Read the instructions to the class .Say , Each of the notes was written for a different situation .Match each note with one of the situation .

   4. Ask Ss to finish on their own .

   5. Check the answers .

   SB Page 80 , 3b .

   1. Read and explain the instructions .

   2. Say , Now read the letter to yourself and fill in the blanks .You can use words from this unit or any other words you know .

   3. Ask Ss to read their letters to their partner .Ask the partner to check that the answers are correct .

   4. Ask some students to read their letters to the class .

   SB Page 80 , 3c .

   1. Ask Ss to make a list of ideas before they write their letters .

   2. Discuss these ideas .

   3. Ask Ss to write a complete thank you note .

   4. Correct as many of the letters as you can in class .Invite some students to read their letters to the class .

   SB Page 80 , Part 4

   1. Read the instructions to the class .

   2. Point out the handwritten notes in the picture .Ask a student to read the notes to the class .

   3. Ask Ss to suggest opening questions the person standing in line might use and also possible responses the boy might give .

   4. Ask students to work in pairs and hand out cards for each pair to write on .

   5. Ask several pairs to say their conversation for the class .

   Exercise designing for Period 3 词组翻译

   1. 相处融洽 2. 帮助我复习数学课程

   3. 举行他90岁的生日聚会 4. 等了十分钟

   5. 浏览 6. 过街

   7. 走路去上学 8. 在电梯里



文章标签:英语教案  八年级  八年级英语