James' New Home
James: It feels great to finally have my own pad in Beijing! As you can see though, it could use some decorating and I still need to find some nice furniture. I figured the best place to start would be to call in my expert locals. Any ideas?
Sabrina: I think maybe we can try Ikea, their furniture is very modern and convenient. Many of my friends like Ikea's stuff...
James: No, no, no...(James interrupts her)I'm living in China, I want every day that I spend in my home to remind me of where I am, so I really wanna buy some
traditional Chinese furniture.
Lily: Xiao Qiang, do you know anywhere?
Xiao Qiang: Oh, let me think...ok, we can go to Longshuncheng, they have
typical Ming Dynasty furniture. I have a car, so I can drive you guys there now.
James: Thank you so much! That sounds like a plan.
1. It feels great to finally have my own pad in Beijing!
2. ...to call in my expert locals.
"call in"的意思是与某人取得联系将其叫过来。通常,这个词组是在某人想要把军队或应急人员叫到现场时使用的。
如:Call in the
infantry and secure the perimeter
Call in the police to handle this mess
Call in the professionals to figure out what's wrong with ....
另外,"expert locals"指的就是Sabrina、Lily和小强。因为他们是北京当地人,对这里的一切都比较熟悉,与James相比,可以说是了解北京的专家了,所以就有了"expert locals"的说法。