
One of my problems I have with my spoken English is that I often use big words. By "big
words", I mean long, verbose or formal words which native speakers don't usually use in
everyday speaking. That's because I used to learn English from reading and when I say
something, I tend to choose formal words, unconsciously. I guess some of you here have
the same problem. If you do, you might be interested in my experience which I am going
to share with you.

Last Halloween I planned to buy a hydrogenballoon for my little cousin. I went the
supermarket nearby and found a cute pink ballon with a fluffy-bear image on it. I
decided to bring it home but the balloon was shrunken, so I asked the cashier, "Where
can I have it inflated?" The cashier was a young lady in her twenties. She stared at me
for a few seconds and responded, "You mean you want to put some air into it?"
Immediately I realized I chose an inappropriate word in my question.
"Yes, that's exactly what I want." Said I.
She then pointed to a corner room on the back of the store and said, "Go find a lady
there and she's gonna help you put some air into your balloon."
