

深圳大学 赖小琪

Topic: Students should bring a certain skepticism to whatever they study. They should question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively.

As is widely acknowledged, skepticism towards authority plays a vital role in the development of human society, especially in the field of technology. Through skepticism, people altered the notion that the earth was a flat square and realized it is actually a round planet. Through skepticism towards of the Geocentric Theory(地心说),which was authoritatively propped by the power then, Copernicus(哥白尼) figured out the Heliocentric Theory(日心说) ultimately. Though later man came up with another new break-through discovery that the sun is not the center of the universe but merely the center of the solar system, Copernicus' great contribution cannot be negligible in the tough procedure of seeking out the final truth. It was exactly through our skepticism towards Copernicus's theory that we eventually worked out the truth, which is convincingly verifying the great significance of skepticism! Another representative illustration is Galileo. He challenged the authoritative theory established by the most admirablescientist, Aristotle(亚里士多德) with a public experiment of dropping two balls with distinctively different weights to test whether the heavier one would fall on the group more rapidly. The result is now known to all of us!

From the cases I raise above, we can deeply learn the enormous importance of being skeptical towards what we learn and seeking out the way to testify its practicability instead of absorbing it totally! We can even easily conclude that no skepticism, no progress! On the basis of this, many people may be misguided to a ridiculousassertion, which is exactly in the topic, that we should bring a certain skepticism towards whatever we learn and question whatever we are taught! Though I downright support we need skepticism, I dare not agree that we should have skepticism all the time! Skepticism should be exercised on some given prerequisites! Below is my further clarification of the issue.

To start with, let's suppose Albert Einstein, a prominent scientist who launched the Theory of Relativity, was questioning all he learned all the way. When he began to learn mathematics, he cast doubt on the written form of figures. Then when he learnedcalculation, he cast doubt again on all the calculating methods and results and insisted on testifying them all by himself, such as the famous question why 1+1=2. Mentioning this, maybe all of you may burst into laughter. How can a kid in his initial learning stage seek out the best solution to some ticklish questions that cannot even be solved by the experts then? Hence I do believe It is out of the question for us to feel skeptical towards whatever we need, however eagerly we want to! Before we throw our doubt on some theory, we need to have enough relevant knowledge about this field so that our confusion will be clarified through attesting the point we doubt! Otherwise, we may simply feel skeptical of something blindly without any methods to cope with it, which is literally a waste of time! The typical cases I raise above are all standing for my point, in which all the great scientists doubted the authority with a comprehensive knowledge and profound understanding of the objects they studied. If they had not known insightfully the issue and merely doubted its authenticity, then they would have never upturned the wrong one and excogitated their own. Even they would have been mocked by the public of their blind skepticism!

Thereby, to sum up, I uphold we need skepticism, but we should not practice it all the time. First of all, we need to assume what we learn is right and arm ourselves with as much knowledge as possible! With enough knowledge we can doubt something from a more reasonable and valuable angle and finally test it more effectively!
  • ultimately [´ʌltimitli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.最后,最终 四级词汇
  • eventually [i´ventʃuəli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.最后,终于 四级词汇
  • authoritative [ɔ:´θɔrətətiv] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.可信的;命令的 四级词汇
  • assertion [ə´sə:ʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.断言;主张;论述 四级词汇
  • downright [´daunrait] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.直率的 ad.彻底 六级词汇
  • einstein [´ainstain] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.爱因斯坦 六级词汇
  • mathematics [,mæθə´mætiks] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.数学 四级词汇
  • calculation [,kælkju´leiʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.计算;考虑,预料 四级词汇
  • blindly [blaindli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.盲目地;没头脑地 四级词汇
  • uphold [,ʌp´həuld] 移动到这儿单词发声 vt.支持,拥护;维持 四级词汇