
These days I have been suffering kind of depression. Maybe you are wondering where it stemmed from. But now I do not want to mention it any more.

I have realized my depression very early and wanted to nip it in the bud. I went out of my way to graze my mind on something else so as to sidewalk the pain I came across. Actually it did work every now and then, but most of the time I just could not help thinking of the trouble again, which again sank me into mire of agony. I have a sense of being deceived, a sense of being insulted and a sense of being hurt.

Each time I felt something was wrong again, I would go directly to the basin and wash my face. I would tell myself not to think of it any more. But all my efforts appeared unavailing. I am somehow a sentimental person who is just too emotional. Hence my mind will go wild the minute it touches something that is thought-invoking. A lot of things and emotions will flood my mind within seconds and I can barely ward off them. My mum is also such kind of person. Maybe I have inherited her personality.

There factually exists someone who has realized my problem through my fake smiles that were meant to disguise my stress buried deep in heart. Much to my surprise, he is just a new friend that I knew in new oriental school during this several-day study. I remember vividly the very moment when he told me there seemed something wrong with me and asked me whether he could do something for me. I was totally shocked to even blink my eyes at his words. After a moment's silence, I said to him smilingly, " Yeah, guy! You have an acute insight that can pierce through my heart. You are awesome. But maybe you can indeed do something for me. That is , tell me how to get rid of depression, kind of emotional suffering." Then he replied with a confident smile on his face, " Absolutely I am there to help. But before I lend my hands to you, you should unveil your secret to me, at least part of it. You know everything stars for some reason. And I should know the root of your problem before I successfully help you kill it. Right?" I nodded with my eyes staring at his face, saying, " you win! Then what is your name please? " " just call me Sam!" " ok, Sam, I am john! Glad to meet you!" then we shook hands.

Thank goodness, I finally went through the strait with his aids. He told me how to transfer my thinking and focus and find a way to drain the depression away. Now here I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to him!

With deeper and deeper touch I got to know that his English is very good. He has a large vocabulary and he is expert in American slang, which resulted from his love of movies. We often communicate in English both in and out of class. I do learn a lot from him.

Finishing talking about my friend, I want to talk about something else. As a matter of fact, I think I am a person of strong will. I dare not any difficulty in my study and life and once I encounter it, I will go all out to overmaster it. But now I come to realize that however strong-willed a person is, he will be weak at some time, or at some point. it is impossible for him to be strong all the way. Actually a lot of apparently staunch people are flimsy in heart. They are tough not because they are born with this personality or are willing to cultivate it. They are tough because they have to! They are compelled to be so by the ruthlessenvironment or experiences. If they do not stand firm, they cannot protect themselves, let alone their beloved ones. If they do not stand firm, they would be stricken down by the hardships, let alone pursuing their dream! Tough people, even if they believe destiny, are moving mountain and earth to change destiny, whatever result it may be! But meantime, they are actually frail in heart and need our care and support. With our solid support, they will be more convinced and exert more power!

To some extent, those who we think are strong-willed desperately need our support and care. They are thirsty for exchanging their troubles with you. Never omit something because he is strong, but do more things for him because he is strong.

Anyway, I know what I need to do on the way coming. Trust me!
  • sentimental [,senti´mentl] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.感伤的;多愁善感的 四级词汇
  • vividly [´vividli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.活泼地;生动地 六级词汇
  • totally [´təutəli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.统统,完全 四级词汇
  • insight [´insait] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.洞悉;洞察力;见识 六级词汇
  • ruthless [´ru:θləs] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.无情的;残忍的 六级词汇