
深圳大学 赖小琪

Last night my good friend Iron gave me a call from Guangzhou and I felt wholeheartedly happy! We chatted for about half an hour. He asked me a lot of questions about learning English and I solved them one by one. From the conversation I know he must have come across a given amount of puzzles a lot of other learners met. Now I just want to seize this opportunity and share with you some of my points of learning English. To my mind, you should pay attention to the following elements if you want to overmaster English.

To start with, do not "dash" in the way of learning. Many people show great ambition before they start to learn. They seem to have a "splendid" picture and a great schedule to conquer English in a short time! They smash into the bookshop and throw numerous seemingly good books one by one into the basket. After they move a mountain of English books back home, they will calculate their pace of learning and resolve to finish a thick book of over 300 pages in a week so that they can finish the whole mountain of books within a year. Then they are daydreaming to leap to another high level in a flash and cannot help laughing happily in heart! But in no more than 3 days they will come to realize that their plan will never come out. At last, after a long time, their books might be covered with dust totally.

As a matter of fact, we should never be too "greedy" in learning English. We should calm down and do the work patiently and delicately. We should have our own plan but remember, it should never be too large or broad and beyond your own capability, or you may be greatly defeated and lose your confidence completely finally. Therefore, in learning English, insistence is more important than flashing passion, and steadiness always goes before rabidity!

Secondly, make full use of the materials and resources at hand. Many people want to pry into my English learning "recipe". They are extremely curious about the books I use and desire to pry into "shortcut"! They keep asking me to recommend them the best English learning websites. Actually I do not think they have fewer materials than me, and they also know a lot of English websites. As far as I see, we do not lack good English books or websites but the ability to make full use of them! All the websites are identical to each other. So if you can study in one of them every day, your English will be amazing after a period of time!

Thirdly, do not memorize the words according to the vocabulary column. Many students read and recite the new words according to some vocabulary reference books in order to enlarge their glossary. They merely recite the words one by one every day. Actually the effect is very tiny, and you may forget the words very easily. Worse still, the process is awfullytedious and gradually you may hate English's guts! As far as I am concerned, I would like to touch a lot of passages to enlarge my vocabulary and meantime consolidate those I have already learnt! It is of great fun and the effect and efficiency is huge! Why not try it?

Ok, since time is desperately limited, I have to stop here! If you want to communicate/" target="_blank">communicate with me more, you can touch me on QQ. We can have a further chat!
  • seemingly [´si:miŋli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.表面上;似乎 四级词汇
  • totally [´təutəli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.统统,完全 四级词汇
  • delicately [´delikitli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.精美地;微妙地 四级词汇
  • insistence [in´sistəns] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.坚持;坚决主张 六级词汇
  • memorize [´meməraiz] 移动到这儿单词发声 vt.记住(录);存储 六级词汇
  • tedious [´ti:diəs] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.冗长的;乏味的 四级词汇
  • consolidate [kən´sɔlideit] 移动到这儿单词发声 v.巩固;合并;联合 四级词汇

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