
Recently I am interested in Wuthering Heights, a novel written by Emily Bronte (1818-1849). She was born on July 30,1818 at 74 Market Street in Thornton, Bradford, Yorkshire, England. She was the fourth daughter of Maria Branwell (1783-1821), who died of cancer when Emily was just three years old. Her father was a quiet man and often spent his spare time alone, so, the motherless children entertained themselves by reading the works of William Shakespeare, Virgil, John Milton, and the Bible and played the piano, did needlepoint, and told each other stories. Emily was becoming an independent and opinionated young woman as her poem "The Old Stoic" revealed. As a poet, she successfully finished the fiction Wuthering Heights (1847) which has long been one of the most popular and highly respected novels in English literature seemed to hold no promise when it was first published. Nowadays, it is still popular all over the world.

The novel sets in 18th Century England when social and economic values were changing and land ownership did not always the man make, it is a world of patriarchal values juxtaposed with the natural elements. The novel centers surround the story of Heathcliff, a foster son of Mr. Earnshaw who has two children, Catherine and Hindley. In the very beginning, Catherine loves Heathcliff from the bottom of her heart while Hindley hates him as if they were enemy to each other. What's worse, another guy Edgar loves Catherine as much as Heathcliff does. So the relationship among them four is a little bit strange and complex. The years roll on, Catherine marries Edgar for some reasons and Heathcliff leaves Wuthering Heights. After several years,he comes back, tall, handsome, and rich. And he starts to take revenge on Hindley and Edgar. Unfortunately, both Catherine and Edgar's sister, who marries Heathcliff, die in the immediate future. Later, Hindley and Edgar pass away as he expects and he becomes the owner of Wuthering Heights. However, he continues to take revenge on the children. Somehow, he feels lonely and guilty in the end and passes away in a stormy night in Wuthering Heights. To our relieved, Young Catherine and Hareton and people in Wuthering Heights lead a happy life again and it is said that Heathcliff and Catherine also enjoy themselves in Heaven.

It is some kind of special, because the story is narrated by Ellen, who has ever been a maid in Wuthering Heights and witnessed everything. And Lockwood who rents Thrushcross Grange is regarded as the main clue of the whole novel. On the whole, this novel gives us readers something novel. Its descriptive statement is so brilliant that it make an deep impression on me! For example, "Suddenly I stopped, with a look of surprise. A man was there, leaning on the gate. He started at me with his cold, dark eyes. He seemed as gloomy and silent as the gravestones in the churchyard at the foot of the hill. He straightened up, standing tall and still. His hair and eyes were black. The features of his face were cruel-looking, yet he was very handsome. He was dressed in good clothes, like a gentleman. But his skin was as dark as a savage's." It shows us readers the figure and character of Heathcliff lively. With the help of descriptive statement, I understand the whole novel easily.

In term of its central idea, it has a strong effect on my mind for a long time. After knowing Heathcliff takes revenge on the two guys, I really hated him from the bottom of my heart. Because of his revenge, two happy families fall into hell. In my humble opinion, revenge may lead to a place that will make everyone just feel in the hell! However, I feel sympathy on him as soon as I finish it. First, he is a poor guy who is abandoned by his parents. Second, he has a miserable childhood. As a foster son of Mr. Earnshaw, he is badly treated by Hindley and some other servants. Often, he is regarded as only a servant of Wuthering Heights, especially after Mr. Earnshaw dies. Third, he is a victim of true love. As we all know, he and Catherine love each other deeply. But to everyone's disappointment, Catherine marries Edgar instead of Heathcliff for some reasons. As a result, he leaves Wuthering Heights for some time sadly. So after much soul-searching, I think Heathcliff is not some kind of cruel and cold-blooded if he doesn't have that bad experiences. In addition, I get some knowledge of "love". "One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That word is love." I think it is the feeling of Heathcliff when he is together with Catherine. That is, when you're in love, you always want to be together, and when you're not, you're thinking about being together because you need that person and without them your life is incomplete. Everything seems brighter, happier and more wonderful when you're in love. That is one of the reasons why I give sympathy on him.

Wuthering heights is the first popular foreign fiction that I've read. To my joy, it benefits me a lot more than I've expected. I am attracted by its special writing techniques, touching love story of Heathcliff and its central ideas. Just with the help of it, I understand some truth of life.
  • ownership [´əunəʃip] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.所有权;所有制 四级词汇
  • grange [´greindʒ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.农场;庄园 六级词汇
  • churchyard [´tʃə:tʃjɑ:d] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.教堂院子 四级词汇
  • abandoned [ə´bændənd] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.被抛弃的;无约束的 六级词汇
  • incomplete [,inkəm´pli:t] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.不完全的,未完成的 六级词汇
  • touching [´tʌtʃiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.动人的 prep.提到 四级词汇