
Dear Ling,

It's been a while since my last letter. I told you that I was planning to write you last night. But when I reached home, it was already late. I was caught in a traffic jam. I was too sleepy and tired. I was not able to eat dinner, and slept at once after washing up. Sorry, I told myself that I will write you this morning, so here I am.

Thank you very much for your concern. Maybe you have known from the newspapers and television the destruction caused by the two thyphoons which passed our country. Many people died and were left homeless. It was such a tragic sight to see large areas flooded and people are on the roof of their homes. I believe the flash floods were caused by too much illegal cutting of trees in the mountains. Homes and streets were filled with clay and water coming from the mountains. I hope our people can recover soon, and their lives be back to normal again.

We are all safe here. The wind and rain were quite strong but our place was spared. By the way, I read in the newspaper, about two weeks ago that there was a plane whiched crashed near Beijing. Nobody survived. I was thinking that I think it was good that our trip was postponed. On the other hand, I regret not being there, and have the opportunity to see you again, and talk to you personally. I could have requested you to show me around Shanghai; may be the historical places aside from the commercial area. You know, I am a sentimental person. I would like to see old and memorable sights.

Christmas is fast approaching. As I have told you before it is a very special day to us, especially the children. There are lots of things to see. Everybody celebrates this event. I hope you can visit us and spend Christmas with us sometime. That could have be very exciting. Please tell me something about what is happening to you there and what have you been doing. I would be very glad to hear anything about you and your love ones.

Sorry, I have to go back to work again. I really miss you. Please take care always. God bless you.

Always here for you,

  • homeless [´həumlis] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.无家的 六级词汇
  • illegal [i´li:gəl] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.不合法的,非法的 六级词汇
  • sentimental [,senti´mentl] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.感伤的;多愁善感的 四级词汇
  • happening [´hæpəniŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.事件,偶然发生的事 四级词汇