
作为第四届"北京2008"奥林匹克文化节重要项目之一的《万里长城迎奥运》中国长城油画艺术大展在至高美术馆新馆开幕。此次活动由至高美术馆馆长林青先生组织策划,一百多位中国当代画家以万里长城为主题,创作了一百多幅长城绘画作品。展出活动将一直持续到7月10日。 cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" width="98%" border="0"> valign="top" height="6"> valign="top" height="1"> valign="top" height="12"> > cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" width="200" align="left" border="0"> valign="middle" align="left"> valign="middle" align="left">Guests view the exhibits.
>An exhibition of oil paintings themed "The Great Wall looks forward to the Olympics" was opened at Zhigao Art Museum in Beijing, as an event of the June 23-July 15 Olympic Cultural Festival.
>More than 100 works by renownedcontemporary Chinese artists portrayed the charm and look of the Great Wall's various sections in different seasons.
>A brainchild of Lin Qing, head of Zhigao Art Museum, the week-long exhibition was jointly organized by concerned societies of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, China democratic National Construction Association and All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce. Executive Vice President of the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad Jiang Xiaoyu cut the ribbon for the opening ceremony.

The Olympic Cultural Festival has become an annual event since 2003. This year's edition, themed "Experience the Civilization and Enjoy the Olympics," aims to inspire the public and encourage their participation when the 29th Olympiad is just a little over two years away.
>renowned: 当代知名的

contemporary artist: 当代艺术家

cut the ribbon: 剪彩

  • participation [pɑ:,tisi´peiʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.参加,参与 六级词汇