
For despite a string of dizzy blonde roles, Miss Witherspoon is all too aware of her formidable new position.








(国际在线独家资讯 蒋黎黎)

For despite a string of dizzy blonde roles, Miss Witherspoon is all too aware of her formidable new position.

She has just negotiated an ?18 million fee for her new movie, making her the highest-paid female star of all time.

She beat off competition from Dame Judi Dench, Charlize Theron and Keira Knightley to win the best actress Oscar for her bravura performance as June Carter Cash in the Johnny Cash biopic Walk The Line.

So few would blame the elfin-featured 29-year-old for enjoying her elevation to the pinnacle of movie stardom, or dispute her recent announcement that her life was "utterly blessed".

One the face of it, hers is indeed a gilded existence. The southern belle daughter of a rich doctor and professor mother, her blossoming career has run in tandem with a seven-year marriage to the handsome actor Ryan Phillippe and her role as devoted mother to their two children.

This picture of domestic bliss has become as synonymous with the effervescent Miss Witherspoon as her megawatt smile and dainty pixie chin.

But this being Hollywood, this image will come under increasing scrutiny as she settles into the role she has wrestled from Julia Roberts as the most bankable woman in the movie business.

Her marriage to Phillippe - who appeared in Oscar-winning Crash - has become the subject of fevered conjecture.

They couple met when Phillippe gatecrashed her 21st birthday party in 1997. She introduced herself to him saying: "I think you're my birthday present."

They began dating before acting together two years later in the hit comedy Cruel Intentions - an updated teen version of Les Liaisons Dangereuses.

By the time the couple married the same year in a quiet and unshowbizzy ceremony in Charleston, South Carolina, she was pregnant with their first child.

Both were tipped to go on to become massive stars.

But while Miss Witherspoon quickly landed the role in Legally Blonde - a film that would propel her into the big league - followed by a ?10 million pay packet for its sequel, her young husband's career stalled.

Despite his part as a journalist masquerading as a servant in the critically acclaimed Gos-ford Park, Phillippe had to watch as Reese became a superstar.

Phillippe was also said to have walked out early of a special 30th birthday celebration she organised for him at the exclusive Nobu restaurant in Malibu.

The couple put on a united front when Witherspoon collected a best actress award at the Golden Globes in Hollywood six weeks ago for her role in Walk The Line.

But Phillippe did incur the wrath of his famously prudish wife (she refuses even to wear a bikini on screen) when he added that they planned to celebrate her award with "hot and heavy love-making".

One diarist commented tartly: "Reese's bodyguards were there presumably to keep her overenthused, clingy househusband Ryan Phillippe in check."

Indeed, the Mail has learnt that the actor's junior partner role was brought into sharp relief later as he trailed behind his wife when she made her entrance into another party - thrown by the NBC television network .

A security guard stopped him to ask for his pass. A furious Phillippe barked back: "My wife is my pass" and barged past.

But he is openly predicting that next year will be his turn for an Oscar, thanks to his role in the soon-to-be-released Clint Eastwood- directed war drama Flags Of Our Fathers.

  • pinnacle [´pinəkl] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.小尖塔;山顶;极点 六级词汇
  • devoted [di´vəutid] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.献身...的,忠实的 四级词汇
  • conjecture [kən´dʒektʃə] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.&v.猜测(想);设想 四级词汇
  • version [´və:ʃən, ´və:rʒən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.翻译;说明;译本 四级词汇
  • pregnant [´pregnənt] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.怀孕的;含蓄的 六级词汇
  • legally [´li:gəli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.合法地 六级词汇
  • propel [prə´pel] 移动到这儿单词发声 vt.推进;推动 六级词汇
  • packet [´pækit] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.盒 vt....打成小包 四级词汇
  • presumably [pri´zju:məbli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.推测起来;大概 六级词汇
  • network [´netwə:k] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.网状物 vt.联播 四级词汇

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