

Once upon a time a poor Brahman was walking along a dusty road, when he saw something sparkling on the ground. On picking it up, it turned out to be a small red stone, so, thinking it somewhat curious, the Brahman put it into his pocket and went on his way. By and by he came to a corn-merchant's shop, at the side of the road, and being hungry he bethought himself of the red stone, and taking it out, offered it to the corn-dealer in exchange for a bite and sup, as he had no money in his pocket.

Now, for a wonder, the shopkeeper was an honest man, so, after looking at the stone, he bade the Brahman take it to the king, for, said he, "all the goods in my shop are not its equal in value!"

Then the Brahman carried the stone to the king's palace, and asked to be shown into his presence. But the prime minister refused at first to admit him; nevertheless, when the Brahman persisted that he had something beyond price to show, he was allowed to see the king.

Now the snake-stone was just like a ruby, red and fiery; therefore, when the king saw it he said, "What do you want for this ruby, O Brahman?"

Then the Brahman replied, "Only a pound of meal to make a girdle cake, for I am hungry!"

"Nay," said the king, "it is worth more than that!"

So he sent for a lakh of rupees from his treasury, and counted it over to the Brahman, who went on his way rejoicing.

Then the king called his queen, and gave the jewel into her custody, with many instructions for its safe keeping, for, said he, there was not its like in the whole world. The queen, determined to be careful, wrapped it in cotton-wool, and put it away in an empty chest, locking the chest with double locks.

So there the ruby snake-stone lay for twelve long years. At the end of that time the king sent for his queen, and said," Bring me the ruby; I wish to satisfy myself that it is safe,"
关键字:The Ruby Prince,宝石王子
  • taking [´teikiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.迷人的 n.捕获物 六级词汇
  • shopkeeper [´ʃɔp,ki:pə] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.(小店)店主 六级词汇
  • custody [´kʌstədi] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.保管;保护;拘留 六级词汇
