

Ninfa left and, after walking a good while, arrived at the Wind's house.

She knocked and the Wind screamed, "Come in whoever it is!"

Ninfa entered and told El Aire that the Sun had sent her with a request.

"Granted," said El Aire, "no matter what it may be."

She told Senor Aire all that had adversely happened to her and that she

wanted to go to the Castle of Faith.

"Do not worry," said El Aire, "I myself, will take you."

Ninfa straddled El Aire's back, and in less time than it takes to wink an

eye, they arrived at the castle.

"Look," said El Aire, "it seems that there is a fiesta in the castle."

The whole castle was brilliantly lit and the sound of violins and guitars

could be heard everywhere.

"I have to leave," he told Ninfa. "With the help of God, everything will

come out all right."

And turning into a whirlwind, he rushed away.

Ninfa knocked on the door of the castle, and a servant come out.

"In what may I serve you?" asked the servant.

"I would like to see the prince."

"Senora," answered the servant, "you cannot see him at this moment. He just

got married and now is dancing with the new princess."

"Well, if that is the case, Senor, at least let me come in and see this

baile. I have never seen such a magnificent baile."

The servant told Ninfa, "I am going to let you come in, but one condition,

that you be careful and not let the bride see you. Since you have not been

invited, the bride would be angry at seeing you here."

Ninfa entered the castle and saw her husband, the prince, eating at a table

and surrounded by his guests.

She flattened herself against the wall. From there she began trying to attract

the prince's attention. He kept on taking; he had not seen the poor girl.

Ninfa tried so hard to get the prince's attention that the bride saw her.

She was an evil witch who with her magic had blinded the prince and made

him marry her.

The prince then saw Ninfa and recognized her immediately. He yelled at the

servants. telling them to bring Ninfa to him, but with the noise nobody

heard him.

The witch screamed at her servants, "Run that beggar out!"

The servants were about to lay their hands on Ninfa when the girl broke

one of the magic nuts the wizards had given her. In an instant Ninfa turned

into a little rat which ran hither and yon. When the witch saw this, she

turned into a huge cat which began to chase the rat. The rat sprang atop

the prince's table, and onto his plate.
关键字:The Bear Prince,熊王子
  • brilliantly [´briljəntli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.灿烂地;杰出地 六级词汇
  • whirlwind [´wə:l,wind] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.旋风;猛烈的势力 四级词汇
  • trying [´traiiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.难堪的;费劲的 四级词汇
  • taking [´teikiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.迷人的 n.捕获物 六级词汇
