
昨天听财经夜读,王静讲了俞敏洪的父亲捡石头盖猪圈的事情,开始他并不知道父亲捡那些废弃的石头是做什么的,还觉得院子很乱(Yesterday listened to the finance and economics channel,Wang Jing spoke a story about Yu Minhong's father to pick stones to build a pigsty. At first, he didn't know why his father did with these stones, also thought the courtyard was very chaotic)

直到有一天他的父亲用那些石头盖成一个小房子,并把家里的猪撵进那所房子后才知道他父亲是检那些石头是为了给猪安家(Until the day his father used these stones built a small house, and drove their pigs into that house, then he became to know his father's purpose is to build a house for the pigs)

他最后总结就是,人要在心中先有"房子"再捡"砖头",最后要有足够的耐心去把砖头攒够(Finally, he got to know that you must have "the house" in the heart firstly, then to pick "the brick", at last, to have enough patience to collect sufficient bricks)

他的梦想考上大学,复习了两年考上北大;他梦想做国内数一数二的词汇专家,拼命的记GRE单词,实现了;他梦想把新东方做成优秀的培训学校,最后在纳斯达克成功上市( He dreamed to be a university man and was admitted to Beijing University after two years' hard work; He hoped to be a top glossary expert and succeeded through reciting the words of GRE; He wanted to make the new East a outstanding training school and then the new East went on the market in Nasdaq)

你画好自己的房子了吗?你有耐心准备足够的砖头吗?你有信心把房子盖好吗?(Have you drawn the house for yourself? Have you had the patience to prepare enough bricks? Have you had the confidence to build the house?)

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