
Wisdom Only Befits the Right Occasion


(Originally in Chinese)

Once there was a King in Au Lac who was a tyrant and also was very arrogant. This King disliked very much an official in the royal government. This official was very honest, and often counseled the King in a straight forward manner. Therefore, the King disliked him very much!


One day, the King and all the top civil and military officials went to the ocean in a dragon boat to sightsee. Those corrupted officials were good at overly pleasing the King. They also very much disliked the honest official, and came up with ways to ridicule him, making lots of nonsensical sarcastic remarks. Finally, the King was fed up, so he asked the honest official: "I heard that you are a learned person, so you must know what the duty of a citizen is." The honest official replied: "One must be loyal to the King and love the country. Everyone knows that, and it does not take a learned person to know it."


Hearing those words, the King was even more disgusted with the official. So he continued to ask: "Suppose that you are a loyal minister. Does that mean that if the King wants you to die, you will die?" The King was planning a trap for the official to fall into. The loyal minister replied immediately: "Yes, your Majesty." Then the King said: "All right. Now I command you to die! Quickly jump into the ocean and kill yourself!" As a result, the official quickly jumped off the boat.


Is this person more serious than Qu Yuan*? No! It's nonsense! Why die?


Then, all the civil and military officials on the boat started to cry loudly, squeezing out a few drops of crocodile tears: "It's so pitiful that he died! My God! Such a good person, good to die! Oh!" Everyone was crying and making chaotic noise. They threw some plastic flowers into the ocean to see the loyal minister off.


It seemed that the loyal minister heard everyone's sad crying, so he emerged from the water. He seemed to not want to die. He climbed up onto the boat, looking like a wet bird. The King said: "Oh, you didn't die." The minister said: "Yes, I must have been dead already. But when I was down there I came upon Qu Yuan." The King said: "Really, how could Qu Yuan be down there?" He said: "Yes, Qu Yuan was originally drowned there. The whole ocean is his! His soul was moving around everywhere. He knew I was going down, and quickly came to see me. Then he was chatting with me, and told me to go up."


The King said: "How could he tell you to come up? I commanded you to die. Why did he tell you to come up?" The official said: "Qu Yuan scolded me so much. He said I was stupid! When Qu Yuan was alive, he met a bad King. So, he had to commit suicide. But now I have a good King. Why should I die? I felt that his reprimand was reasonable. I could not die, so I came up here!"


Did you hear that? This ending is good.


This was a true Aulacese story. Maybe Aulacese officials were a little smarter. They knew better how to protect themselves and how to counsel their King. It's not necessary to use the serious ways! There are so many people in the world. If you can not convince a King, why should you die? Maybe after a while the King will die. If you can wait until his death, you can serve another King. You should devote your talent, intelligence and wisdom to the country, not just to the King.


If the King is good, we serve him and respect him, and contribute all our talent to him. If the King is not good, we should reserve our talent and wisdom given by God, because God gives the talent and wisdom to us, not the King. God gives us the talent and wisdom so we can serve the country, and serve the world. If a King does not know how to utilize people, we can wait and find another one.


Our purpose is to serve the country, serve people, and give people peace and happiness. It is not to serve a King, and allow the King to judge us. For example, we have a very beautiful peacock. Then we make her reluctantly marry a toad. But the toad says that she is not good, and does not want to get married to her. So should we feel so sad and kill the peacock? Should we? It's nonsense! So no matter what we do, if we do it at a wrong time or a wrong occasion, there is no use. This is wisdom. If you are very smart, but do things in a hasty way, it won't be good.

  • arrogant [´ærəgənt] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.傲慢的;自大的 六级词汇
  • ridicule [´ridikju:l] 移动到这儿单词发声 vi.&n.嘲笑;奚落 四级词汇
  • crocodile [´krɔkədail] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.鳄鱼;假慈悲的人 六级词汇
  • utilize [´ju:tilaiz] 移动到这儿单词发声 vt.利用;使有用 四级词汇
  • reluctantly [ri´lʌktəntli] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.不情愿地;勉强地 四级词汇