
I am a little bit down today .

I wonder if there are ghosts in the world .I would rather believe it is sth .invented by adults to frighten the little kids when they are not as good as gold .But the dream I had last night is still fresh in my memory .I nearly broke down at that moment .

He was not a monster with a green face and ferocious fangs, nothing different from any other humanbeing .In fact he was pretty much like my ex-boyfriend ,who died some years ago .He was very strong in the dream ,lying beside me .I was sure he kept nagging at me but I couldn't catch even one word .It seemed that he was very angry at seeing me in love with another guy . But... Should I take the blame ? It is ridiculous ,isn't it ?
Then I dreamed of being run after by another ghost .At first ,I managed to break away by jumping into the circle which was drawn with magic on the ground to keep the ghosts out ,but later it didn't work at all ! Cuz the ghost could do the same thing exactly as I did . To make things worse ,the ghost came nearer and nearer .

I was standing somewhere within his reach .

I was about to spring with winged feet when he stretched his long arms toward me quickly ! I struggled and cried ,hoping to knock him down but finding all I did in vain .

At that moment the hot water bag woke me up and asked me if I had a nightmare . For a moment , I didn't say anything ,puffing in his arms .

"Are you ok ? " he asked me anxiously .
"oh..."I moaned ," nothing . "

"You must be too tired . YOu need a good rest ... "

With these words , I gradually restored myself . Maybe it had sth .to do with that Halloween party ,on which everyone was wearing various kinds of masks and one of us was asked to play the part of a ghost and had to raise a corpse from the dead (borrow a man's body to return the soul) ....

Anyway ,I would no longer take part in the Halloween Party later ...

I feel exausted.
It was a quarter to 5 in the morning .
  • ferocious [fə´rəuʃəs] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.凶猛的;残忍的 六级词汇
  • nightmare [´naitmeə] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.梦魇;恶梦 四级词汇
  • corpse [kɔ:ps] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.尸体 四级词汇