

In consideration of my employment by Woodward Governor Company of Fort Collins, Colorado, (hereinafter referred to as the Company) I do hereby agree for myself, my heirs, and representatives to assign and do hereby assign to the Company, its successors, and assigns, all my rights to inventions and improvements which I have made or conceived or which I may hereafter make or conceive either solely or jointly with others in the course of such employment or for a period of six months thereafter, relating to the Company's lines of manufacture or usable in the Company's business or resulting from or suggested by any work which I have done, am doing, or may do for the Company; and I further agree that, without charge to the Company but at its expense, I will disclose such inventions to the Company as soon as practicable after they are made, and execute, acknowledge, and deliver at the request of the Company all papers including patent applications which may be requisite for obtaining patents on said inventions in any and all countries, and to vest title thereto in the Company, its successors, or assigns, and do all other acts and things which may be necessary and proper to be done in furtherance of these ends regardless of whether or not I am still in the employ of the Company, the inventions to remain the property of Woodward Governor Company whether patented or not.

The provisions in the immediately preceding paragraph do not apply to any inventions for which no equipment, supplies, facility, or trade secret information of the Company was used by me and which was developed entirely on my own time, unless (a) the invention relates (i) to the business of the Company or (ii) to the Company's actual or demonstrably anticipated research or development, or (b) the invention results from any work performed by me for the Company.

I further agree that I will not, either during or after the termination of my employment by the Company, divulge any confidential information with respect to the developments or inventions or any other matters of secret nature relating to the Company's business, which may come into my possession while in the employment of the Company.

I further declare that I do not now own or claim to own any patents, patent rights, or inventions other than those identified on the back of this page, which inventions are expressly reserved and excepted from this agreement.

In consideration of my employment by Woodward Governor Company of Fort Collins, Colorado, (hereinafter referred to as the Company) I do hereby agree for myself, my heirs, and representatives to assign and do hereby assign to the Company, its successors, and assigns, all my rights to inventions and improvements which I have made or conceived or which I may hereafter make or conceive either solely or jointly with others in the course of such employment or for a period of six months thereafter, relating to the Company's lines of manufacture or usable in the Company's business or resulting from or suggested by any work which I have done, am doing, or may do for the Company; and I further agree that, without charge to the Company but at its expense, I will disclose such inventions to the Company as soon as practicable after they are made, and execute, acknowledge, and deliver at the request of the Company all papers including patent applications which may be requisite for obtaining patents on said inventions in any and all countries, and to vest title thereto in the Company, its successors, or assigns, and do all other acts and things which may be necessary and proper to be done in furtherance of these ends regardless of whether or not I am still in the employ of the Company, the inventions to remain the property of Woodward Governor Company whether patented or not.

The provisions in the immediately preceding paragraph do not apply to any inventions for which no equipment, supplies, facility, or trade secret information of the Company was used by me and which was developed entirely on my own time, unless (a) the invention relates (i) to the business of the Company or (ii) to the Company's actual or demonstrably anticipated research or development, or (b) the invention results from any work performed by me for the Company.

I further agree that I will not, either during or after the termination of my employment by the Company, divulge any confidential information with respect to the developments or inventions or any other matters of secret nature relating to the Company's business, which may come into my possession while in the employment of the Company.

I further declare that I do not now own or claim to own any patents, patent rights, or inventions other than those identified on the back of this page, which inventions are expressly reserved and excepted from this agreement.

In consideration of my employment by Woodward Governor Company of Fort Collins, Colorado, (hereinafter referred to as the Company) I do hereby agree for myself, my heirs, and representatives to assign and do hereby assign to the Company, its successors, and assigns, all my rights to inventions and improvements which I have made or conceived or which I may hereafter make or conceive either solely or jointly with others in the course of such employment or for a period of six months thereafter, relating to the Company's lines of manufacture or usable in the Company's business or resulting from or suggested by any work which I have done, am doing, or may do for the Company; and I further agree that, without charge to the Company but at its expense, I will disclose such inventions to the Company as soon as practicable after they are made, and execute, acknowledge, and deliver at the request of the Company all papers including patent applications which may be requisite for obtaining patents on said inventions in any and all countries, and to vest title thereto in the Company, its successors, or assigns, and do all other acts and things which may be necessary and proper to be done in furtherance of these ends regardless of whether or not I am still in the employ of the Company, the inventions to remain the property of Woodward Governor Company whether patented or not.

The provisions in the immediately preceding paragraph do not apply to any inventions for which no equipment, supplies, facility, or trade secret information of the Company was used by me and which was developed entirely on my own time, unless (a) the invention relates (i) to the business of the Company or (ii) to the Company's actual or demonstrably anticipated research or development, or (b) the invention results from any work performed by me for the Company.

I further agree that I will not, either during or after the termination of my employment by the Company, divulge any confidential information with respect to the developments or inventions or any other matters of secret nature relating to the Company's business, which may come into my possession while in the employment of the Company.

I further declare that I do not now own or claim to own any patents, patent rights, or inventions other than those identified on the back of this page, which inventions are expressly reserved and excepted from this agreement.
  • hereby [,hiə´bai] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.因此;特此 六级词汇
  • practicable [´præktikəbəl] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.可实行的;适用的 六级词汇
  • requisite [´rekwizit] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.需要的;必要的 n.必需品 四级词汇
  • thereto [ðeə´tu:] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.到那里;另外 六级词汇
  • preceding [pri(:)´si:diŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.在先的;前面的 四级词汇
  • termination [,tə:mi´neiʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.终止,结束;结局 六级词汇
  • confidential [,kɔnfi´denʃəl] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.极受信任的;心腹的 四级词汇
  • expressly [ik´spresli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.明白地;特意地 六级词汇