

bacon: bring home the bacon 赚钱养家糊口
beef: 1.beef 有"吵架"、"抱怨"、"牢骚"等意思。Eg:I am calling that store for a beef. 我要打电话到那家商店投诉。
2.beefy 强壮的 结实的
bread: bread winner 这个也是养家糊口的人 好像在这个新社会老说这样的词是不是有点退步?
bun: bun in the oven 怀孕 类似的说法还有be in a family way 都是比较幽默含蓄的说法
buns 屁股 就是 buttocks了。
freeze one's buns off 冷的要命,把屁股都冻掉了
cake piece of cake 这个都不会?小菜一碟!
cheese big cheese 老板、雇主
cheesecake 美女照片,不过这个词好像有一点老。
cut the cheese 放屁 eg:Who cut the cheese?是 Who passed gas?的委婉说法哦。
coffee wake up and smell the coffee 清醒一下 TURST him?You wake up and smell the coffee!
cook cook with gas 就着煤气做饭那当然是如鱼得水,就是干得很出色的意思。
what's cooking 相当于 what's up? 发生了什么事?
cookie caught with one's hand in the cookie jar 这个有点长 也不大常用, 可还是写出来了。是被当场抓住做坏事的意思。Eg:I will tell you it's him that stoled it! I caught him with his hand in the cookie jar!
that's the way the cookie crumbles 事情就是这样了。相当于 That's just how the thing is .
toss one's cookies 呕吐
cracker crackers 疯狂的,精神失常的。Living alone for a single day will drive me to go crackers.
fish different kettle of fish 另一码事。
ham a ham 是指表演过火过于做作的演员。What a ham! She reall made me sick.
mustard cut the mustard 获得成功
noodle 1.noodle 脑袋 Use your noodle and you will get the answer.
2.limp as a noodle 像一根面条一样软 就是无精打采的 倦怠乏力的 ?When I got out of the jacuzzi, I ws limp as a noodle.
3.noddle around 四处闲逛
4.noodlehead 脑子里都是面条 就是笨蛋 傻瓜的意思。
sandwich 1.knuckle sandwich 一个对准脸的拳头 I am gonna give you a knuckle sandwich.我当脸给你一拳。这好像是在哪个电影里面看见的。
2.sandwiched 被夹在......中间。常见的就是I got sandwiched between the doors of the elevator. 我被夹在电梯门中间了。
sugar sugar 就和sweet和 honey 一个意思。
sugar-daddy 糖老爹 就是 那种出手阔绰来讨得女子欢心的中老年人。

  • calling [´kɔ:liŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.点名;职业;欲望 六级词汇
  • winner [´winə] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.胜利者,得奖者 四级词汇
  • cookie [´kuki] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.家常小甜饼 四级词汇
  • mustard [´mʌstəd] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.芥菜;芥末(色) 四级词汇
  • knuckle [´nʌkəl] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.指关节 vi.屈从 六级词汇
