The numbers of people employed past
retirement age are growing faster than any other section of the labour market, according to official data that signal a
significant change in the way Britons work and perhaps an even more
profound change in the way they retire.
By March 2008, 1.3m men and women beyond the ages of,
respectively, 65 and 60, were in the workforce, a rise of 8.8 percent year on year. This was a much sharper rise than that for any other age group. The second most marked rise is occurring among those aged between 50 and
retirement age, the point where a
decade ago employers offered generous early
retirement packages in order to shed their more expensive workers.
The data tell an important story: as lifespans
expand and
retirement benefits
shrink, growing numbers are entering, or refusing to leave, workplaces gradually changing their
perception of the ideal worker.
"Older people are the only growing group in the labour market," said Stephen McNair, head of the National Institute of Adult Continuing Education, a think tank on adult learning. "The
positive message is that most people over the age of 50 would like to stay in the workforce longer than they thought they would be allowed."
The data show among men aged 50 to 64 and women aged 50 to 59, there are 6.6m workers, more than there are at the prime working ages of25 to 34. The year-on-year rate of increase in the number of these older workers is 2.1 per cent.
In part, the shift reflects an
underlying demographic change as
fertility rates among Britons have dropped sharply in recent
decades. But it also reflects rising longevity - a man born in 1950 who hits his 65th birthday will, on average, live to a few months shy of his 90th - and better health at older ages.
It demonstrates the fact that for some people, work is not the
drudgery of the mill or the mine but rather a place to establish social networks and to
participate in wider society.
"年长者是劳动力市场上唯一在增长的群体,"英国国家成人继续教育研究所(National Institute of Adult Continuing Education)负责人、成人教育智囊人士斯蒂芬•麦克奈尔(Stephen McNair)表示。"其传递的积极信息是:50岁以上的人多数希望,他们在职场中呆的时间长于他们所认为的规定年限。"