● Word power
Step 1: Brainstorming
Boys and girls, in this section we’ll learn words and expressions
related to transport. First let’s look at some pictures.
Do you know what we call these roads in English? First you can guess and write down your answer, then read the passage in Part A on page 54 to check your answer right or wrong.
Step 2: Vocabulary learning
1. Now let’s check your understanding of the passage.
T: What are very small roads called in English?
S: Lanes or paths.
T: What are roads where cars can go very fast called?
S: Motorways in Britain, freeways or expressways in the USA.
T: What kinds of roads are called flyovers?
S: Roads that go over other roads.
T: What kinds of roads are called underpasses?
S: Roads that go through a tunnel.
T: What do people call the area where many roads link up?
S: An intersection or a junction.
T: What is a toll road?
S: It is one where people need to pay to use the road.
T: What is spaghetti? Why do people call the
network of roads near Birmingham “Spaghetti Junction”?
S: Spaghetti is a kind of noodles in the shape of long thin sticks. The
network of roads near Birmingham is made up of many intersections and flyovers, which looks like strings of spaghetti.
T: What is a street?
S: A road with sidewalks in a city or town.
T: what is an avenue?
S: A wide road lined with trees on each side.
T: What is called a way?
S: A passage from one place to another.
2. Part B.
Well done, everyone! Now let’s come to Part B. Zhao Ning has categorized the different ways that we can travel in a flow chart. Look at the chart she has made. Make sure you know the meaning of each word. After you finish reading, I’ll ask you some questions.
Who has ever
traveled by light railway or underground? What was it like? Do you like traveling by light railway or underground? Why or why not?
Have you ever
traveled by coach/ by aeroplane/ by ferry/ by ship? How do you like it?
If you are traveling to Nanjing, what means of
transport will you choose?
If you want to go London, which means is the best choice?
3. Part C
Read the passage in Part C, which is an
introduction to a
transport project. You should complete the
introduction with the words you’ve
learnt in Parts A and B. Several minutes later, I’ll check your answers.
transport (2)
transport (3) main (4) motorways (5) lanes
(6) paths (7) flyovers (8) land (9) sea (10) aeroplanes
(11) helicopters (12) ship (13) ferry (14) land (15) motorboat
Step 3:
vocabulary extension
Do you know any other words or phrases
related to
transport besides what you have already
learnt in Part A and B? For Example:
T: What must we do before we go somewhere by train or by plane?
S: We must book a ticket beforehand.
T: Where will you go to buy the ticket?
S: The ticket office.
T: What must we do before we get on the train or plane?
S: Make clear about your train or plane number and your seat number.
T: Before we get off, what shall we do?
S: We must make clear about our
destination and take all the
package with us.
T: What do we call the person who is traveling by train or plane?
S: passenger.
T: What do we call the person who sells bus ticket?
S: A conductor.
T: If you want to travel to a foreign country, what must you have?
S: A passport.
Good. You know these things very well. Now let’s come to Part D and fill in the box. You can present more words and phrases
related to the correct categories.
book a seat/ ticket
one-way ticket
customs officer
read a timetable
season ticket
student ticket
ticket seller