



  (1) 常用词的前后搭配。请看下面这道中考题:

  The earth is our home. We must ______it clean.

  A. change

  B. sweep

  C. keep

  D. build


  (2) 近义词细微差别,特别是近义动词、名词、形容词和副词的辨析。如常考的有:spend, cost, pay, take; talk, speak, tell, say; borrow, lend, keep, use; take, bring, fetch; hope, wish, expect; start, begin; lie, lay; hear, listen, sound; see, look; beat, win, lose, fail; rise, raise, lift; forget, leave; sound, voice, noise; home, family, house, room; game, match; excuse, reason; large, big; good, well等等。请看下面这道中考题:

  The temperature was below zero. It was difficult to ______ the car.

  A. move

  B. get

  C. begin

  D. star


  (3) 短语动词的比较,特别是由get, look, take, put, turn, come, send等动词加up, down, for, to, on, after, in, out, off, away等介词或副词构成的短语动词。常考的有:get on / off / up / back; look at / for / after / up / out / like; put down / up / off / on / away; take off / up / down / away; turn off / on / up / down; send up / off / for; open up, made up; agree with, come up with等等。请看下面这道中考题:

  I didn’t go to the park with my classmates, because my mother asked me to ______ my little sister at home.

  A. look after

  B. look at

  C. look for

  D. look like

  答案是C,由句子的意思可知母亲叫我在叫“照看(look for)”妹妹。此题要求考生熟记各词组的不同意思。



  (1) 名词:常见不可数名词的用法特点;可数名词单复数的变化规则;名词的所有格,特别是有两个并列名词后的所有格;语境中名词的选择。

  (2) 代词:人称代词主格和宾格的不同用法;形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词的不同用法;something, anything, everybody, nobody, no one等复合不定代词的用法;(a) few, (a) little, many, much, some, any等不定代词的用法;either, neither, both, all等的用法;other, another, the other, others, else等词的用法区别。

  (3) 冠词:定冠词的用法,如表示特指时用the,在play后的乐器名词前、序数词和最高级前等均要用the;不定冠词a和an的用法及其区别;不用冠词的情况,如不是特指的不可数名词前和非特指的一日三餐的名词前不用冠词,play后所接的球类运动名词前不用冠词,当bed, table, hospital, school, church等表示其用途时前面不用冠词;一些固定短语中冠词的用法。

  (4) 形容词和副词:形容词和副词的用法区别,如在系动词后作表语或在名词前作定语用形容词,修饰动词、形容词或另一个副词作状语用副词;形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的用法;how long, how soon, how often, how far等的区别;so和such的用法;enough的用法;在语境中选择一个恰当的形容词或副词。

  (5) 介词:重点考表示时间和地点的on, in, at等的用法区别;另外by, near, with, without, as, for, to, between, among等介词的用法也是常考的。

  (6) 动词:动词的时态和语态;情态动词can, may, must, need, have to, had better等的用法;非谓语动词,如在enjoy, finish等动词后只能接动词的ing形式作宾语,在decide, refuse, would like后只能接不定式作宾语,在forget, remember, stop, go on等后接不定式和接ing形式意义不同;句型:ask / tell / want sb(not) to do sth;let / make / let sb do sth;see / hear / watch / notice sb do sth和see / hear / watch / notice sb doing的区别。

  (7) 连词:并列连词and, but, or, either…or, neither…nor, not only…but also等;引导时间状语从句的连词when, after, before, until, while, as soon as等;引导条件状语从句的连词if, unless等;表示因果关系的连词because, as, since, so, so / such…that…等;引导定语从句的连词that, which, who, whom, whose等。

  (8) 宾语从句:考查引导宾语从句的连接词if, whether; that; when, where, who, what, how等;语序;时态一致。

  (9) 感叹句和反意疑问句。

  (10) there be结构和have / has的区别。



  —You’re very ______, aren’t you? —Yes. Our team has won the game.

  A. happy

  B. worried

  C. sad

  D. afraid

  解答此题时你若只看问句,填任何一个答案都是正确的,当看到答句中的has won the match才知道只有答案A正确。



  —Your spoken English is much better! —______.

  • spoken [´spəukən] 移动到这儿单词发声  speak的过去分词   (初中英语单词)