
 姓名:__________ ☞代词专题练习三()☜ 得分:______________
( ) 1. ________ of what I’ve just said can you understand ?
A. How many B. How much C. How little D. How few
( ) 2. “Would you please have _______ more meat ?”
--“No , thank you . I’ve had too _________ .”
A. any , much B. any , more C. some , much D. some , more
( ) 3. __________ but fools believe your story .
A. No B. Few C. None D. Nobody
( ) 4. Which do you prefer , tea or coffee ? --_______ will do .
A. Both B. Either C. Each D. Every
( ) 5. Our furniture is much cheaper than ______ you bought last year .
A. one B. ones C. that D. those
( ) 6. He adviced me to take good care of _________ .
A. himself B. yourself C. me D. myself
( ) 7. The color of his car is the same ________ .
A. as her B. as ours C. like mine D. with mine
( ) 8. “Who is playing the piano in the next room ?”
“_______ is Bob’s brother .”
A. This B. She C. He D. It
( ) 9. Tim has also got a calculator ________ you gave me last week .
A. as yours B. as C. as that D. that
( ) 10. I will call you at your office ________ day .
A. the other B. another C. other D. others
( ) 11. These flowers are not ________ , but _________ .
A. ours, others’ B. our , other’s C. mine , their D. our , hers
( ) 12. Bruce and Jhon have arrived , but ________ students in the class aren’t here yet .
A. other B. another C. the others D. the other
( ) 13. The population of China is larger than _________ country’s .
A. any B. the other C. any other D. other
( ) 14. He needs ________ rest .
A. few day’s B. few days’ C. little day’s D. little days’
( ) 15. “Shall I buy some apples at the shop ?” “Yes, _______ red ones.”
A. bring some B. take a few C. bring a little D. take any
( ) 16. Being League members you should be strict with _______ in everything you do.
A. you B. your own C. yourselves D. yours
( ) 17. I’m afraid ________ of us would like to go and see the film in _____ cold weather .
A. none , such B. none , such a C. none , so D. no one , such
( ) 18. Everyone must do _______ duty for our country .
A. his B. her C. one’s D. your
1—5 BCBBC 6—10 DBDCB 11—15 ADCBB 16—18 CAA
  • league [li:g] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.同盟;社团   (初中英语单词)
  • everyone [´evriwʌn] 移动到这儿单词发声  pron.=everybody 每人   (初中英语单词)
  • strict [strikt] 移动到这儿单词发声  a.严厉的;精确的   (高中英语单词)