debate over
copyright laws like sopa in the united states and the acta
agreement in europe
has been very
emotional and i think some dispassionate quantitative
reasoning could really bring a great deal to the
debate i 'd
therefore like to propose that we employ we
enlist the cutting edge field of
copyright math
whenever we approach this subject for
instance just recently
motion picture association revealed that our
economy loses fifty eight
billion dollars a year to
copyright theft
now rather than just argue about this number a
copyright mathematician will analyze it and he 'll soon discover that this money could stretch from this auditorium all the way across ocean
boulevard to the westin
and then to mars
now this is
obviously a powerful some might say
dangerously powerful insight
this is the
equivalent to the entire american corn crop failing along with all of our fruit crops as well as wheat
tobacco rice sorghum
whatever sorghum is
and tv
satellite and cable revenues are way up other content markets like book publishing and radio are also up
so this small
missing chunk here is puzzling
theft which is quite a lot when you consider that back in ninety eight the
bureau of labor
statistics indicated that the
motion picture and video industries were employing two hundred and seventy thousand people
other data has the music industry at about forty five thousand people and so the job losses that came with the internet and all that content theft have
therefore left us with
negativeemployment in our content industries and this is just one of the many mind blowing
statistics that
copyright mathematicians have to deal with every day and some people think that string theory is tough
some people think this number 's a little bit large but
copyright mathematicians who are media lobby experts are merely surprised that it doesn 't get compounded for inflation every year
now when this law first passed the world 's hottest mp three
player could hold just ten songs and it was a big christmas hit because what little hoodlum wouldn 't want a million and a half bucks worth of
stolen goods in his pocket