
富有创见的建筑师夏尔-爱德华·让纳雷-格利(Charles-Edouard Jeanneret-Gris)更为人熟悉的名字是勒·柯布西耶(Le Corbusier),他笔下的理想房子是一台"居住的机器"(machine for living)。虽然这样的措辞让人想到一些缺乏想象力、华而不实的极端现代主义(high-Modernist)建筑,但他的室内设计只是在关注功能——由开敞式布局和内嵌式家具等元素构成——方面像机器一样,其最大的特色是人性化的尺寸比例和室内与室外的紧密连接。勒·柯布西耶设计的位于法国蔚蓝海岸(Cote d'Azur)罗克布吕讷-卡普马丹(Roquebrune-Cap-Martin)的一处避暑小屋就是这些原则的微小缩影(重点在微小上面)。这栋单间预制结构建筑面积只有12×12英尺(约合3.66米×3.66米)大小,然而它却游刃有余地包含了起居、就寝和工作区域,还提供了充足的储物空间,1952年完工后作为生日礼物送给了他的妻子伊冯娜·加利(Yvonne Gallis)。小屋明显缺乏的是一个正儿八经的卫生间(一块红色天鹅绒布 遮挡着角落的厕所)和一个厨房(这大大出乎人的意料)。夫妻俩到近旁朋友们开的咖啡屋去吃饭,咖啡屋的老板也是小屋所在的舒适海滨地块的主人。

VISIONARY ARCHITECT Charles-Édouard Jeanneret-Gris, better known as Le Corbusier, wrote about the ideal house as a 'machine for living.' Although the phrase conjures some sterile high-Modernist folly, his residential interiors were machinelike only in their attention to utility-courtesy of elements like open floor plans and built-in furniture-and characterized by human-scale proportions and a strong indoor/outdoor connection.

小屋用胶合板围饰的内壁——其全尺寸的一个复制品目前正在纽约现代艺术博物馆(Museum of Modern Art)展出——有诸多理由堪称标志性设计。(这种设计在意大利家具制造商卡西纳(Cassina)公司得以复制,该公司1960年代获得了勒·柯布西耶室内陈设的独家复制权。)这栋柯布西耶为自己设计的唯一住宅名曰"休闲小屋"(the Cabanon),这里就是这位博学的大师构想出他最富影响力的一些项目(昌迪加尔(Chandigarh)、朗香教堂(Notre Dame du Haut))的地方,也是他度过自己最后一日的地方:他1965年在地中海游泳时去世,享年77岁。

A cabin Le Corbusier designed as a summer retreat in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, on France's Côte d'Azur, is a microcosm (emphasis on micro) of these principles. Completed in 1952 as a birthday present for his wife, Yvonne Gallis, the one-room prefab structure is just 12 by 12 feet, yet comfortably accommodates living, sleeping and working areas, as well as providing ample storage. What it notably lacks is a proper bathroom (a red velvet curtain screens the corner loo) and, shockingly, a kitchen. The couple took meals at the neighborhood cafe, run by friends who owned the cabin's snug waterfront plot.


The plywood-sheathed interior-a full-scale re-creation of which is currently on view at New York's Museum of Modern Art-is iconic for many reasons. (The facsimile was realized by the Italian furniture manufacturer Cassina, which nabbed exclusive rights in the 1960s to reproduce Le Corbusier's furnishings.) The only house Corbu designed for his own use, the Cabanon was where the polymath dreamed up some of his most influential projects (Chandigarh, the chapel Notre Dame du Haut in Ronchamp) and where he spent his last day: He died in 1965, at 77, while swimming in the Mediterranean.

1. 材料统一

Architecture buffs and small-space enthusiasts alike worship the Cabanon as a model of ingenuity and hyper-efficiency. Many of the space-enhancing tricks Le Corbusier deployed could work in any size home. Steal a few ideas for your own abode.


1. Material unity

2. 一件全能家具

To create a feeling of continuity and airiness, the interior and furnishings were constructed entirely from blond woods. Le Corbusier built in storage to maximize square footage: a wardrobe divides the entry and main space; low bookshelves envelop the reading/work nook; three deep drawers pull out from under the twin bed. (When Le Corbusier's wife stayed over, he slept on a mattress on the floor. )

房间里的主要家具元素是从南 斜伸出来的桌面。这一件家具用来吃饭、阅读、甚至进行随心所欲的艺术创作(据说勒·柯布西耶会赤裸着身子画画)。桌子旁边是1952年设计的用于休闲小屋的Tabouret小凳。这种凳子用结实的栗木板精心制作,用燕尾榫接头,它是仿制威士忌酒箱设计出来的(在cassinausa.com网站上的起售价为816美元)。

2. One piece that does it all

3. 天花板的处理

The main furniture element in the room is a tabletop that angles out from the south wall. This single piece worked for eating, reading and even freewheeling art sessions (Le Corbusier supposedly painted in the buff). By the table are boxy Tabouret stools, designed in 1952 for use in the Cabanon. Crafted of solid chestnut panels connected via dovetail joints, the stool is modeled on a whiskey crate (from $816, cassinausa.com ).


3. Ceiling play

4. 分解了的卫生间

Although the ceiling height is just shy of 7½ feet, the interior feels surprisingly loft-like thanks to a strategic cutaway: In one corner, the ceiling rises 3 more feet-an architectural trick that uses a stagger effect to create the impression of a more expansive space. Le Corbusier painted the panels white, red and green, turning the overhead plane into an abstract canvas. The panels are functional too, hiding storage above.

小屋由一个入户走廊和一个主居住空间构成,没有正儿八经的卫生间而言,只是在小屋的一侧安了一个盥洗盆,在离床不远的地方有一个装有抽水马桶的厕所。淋浴是在室外处理的事情,勒·柯布西耶没有安装封闭的浴房——而且使用了一块 子代替占空间的门来遮挡这块设有马桶的区域。

4. Deconstructed bathroom


The cabin consists of an entry corridor and a main living space. There's no proper bathroom to speak of, just a sink on one side of the cabin and, near the bed, a small water closet housing the toilet; the shower was a plein-air affair. Eschewing an enclosed bath-and using a curtain in place of a space-hogging door to conceal the toilet-saved square footage.


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