

'The stock market is overvalued.' 'The stock market is undervalued.'


Which one of these statements is true?


Both are, thanks to quirks of the most popular way of measuring a stock's valuation: the price/earnings ratio.

AQR Capital Management(一家管理着840亿美元资产的投资公司)的执行合伙人克利夫·阿斯尼斯(Cliff Asness)称,对比以这两种方式计算出的市盈率和拿苹果跟橙子比较好不了多少。他甚至在一封电子邮件中称,用这种方式比较市盈率的人是在"耍花招",不过他也承认,许多人"可能并没有意识到他们所犯的错误"。

While no one disagrees about what the 'P' is when calculating the ratio, there is no consensus on how to define earnings-per-share. One of the biggest points of dispute: whether to use analysts' earnings estimates for the coming year or reported company earnings from the previous 12 months.

让我们来看看当前标准普尔500指数基于既往收益的市盈率。标普道琼斯指数公司(S&P Dow Jones Indices)数据显示,在截至6月30日的四个季度中,标准普尔500指数的每股收益共计91.13美元。据此计算出的市盈率为18.2倍,比耶鲁大学(Yale University)教授罗伯特·席勒(Robert Shiller)维护的一个数据库中79%的1871年以来可比数据要高。

Comparing ratios calculated in these two ways is little better than comparing apples to oranges, according to Cliff Asness, managing partner at AQR Capital Management, an investment firm with $84 billion of assets under management. In an email, he went so far as to say that those who compare P/Es in this way are engaging in a 'sleight of hand,' though he allowed that many may 'not be aware of the mistake they are making.'


Consider the S&P 500's current P/E based on trailing earnings. For the four quarters through June 30, the index's earnings per share amounted to $91.13, according to S&P Dow Jones Indices. That translates into a P/E ratio of 18.2, which is higher than 79% of comparable readings since 1871, according to a database maintained by Yale University professor Robert Shiller.

金融数据提供商FactSet Data Systems的数据显示,华尔街分析师普遍预计标准普尔500指数成分股公司明年的每股收益将在122.01美元,据此计算出的市盈率是13.6倍。这比席勒的数据库中14.5倍的历史市盈率中值低6%。

Many bulls try to wriggle out from this bearish sign by focusing on estimated earnings.

这种计算方法存在问题:预期市盈率几乎总比往绩市盈率低——而且常常会低很多。投资管理公司Aetos Capital(该公司运营几只对冲基金)的执行合伙人安妮·卡塞尔斯(Anne Casscells)表示,原因至少有三点。首先,公司收益通常是逐年增加的。此外,分析师的预期专注于所谓的"营运收益",比用来计算历史市盈率平均值的实际公布收益宽松。

According to FactSet Data Systems, the consensus forecast from Wall Street analysts is that earnings from companies in the S&P 500 will be $122.01 a share next year, which translates into a P/E ratio of 13.6. That is 6% less than the 14.5 median of historical P/Es in Mr. Shiller's database.


There is a catch: Forward-looking P/Es are almost always lower than those based on trailing earnings-often much lower. There are at least three reasons why, says Anne Casscells, a managing partner at Aetos Capital, which runs several hedge funds. First, corporate earnings usually rise from one year to the next. In addition, analysts' estimates focus on what's known as 'operating earnings,' a looser category than the actual reported earnings used to calculate the average of past P/Es.


And last but not least: Wall Street analysts' predictions tend to be way too optimistic.


These three factors conspire to make forward-looking P/Es 24% lower on average than those based on trailing earnings, according to a study by Mr. Asness and Ms. Casscells into the two types of P/Es from 1976 to 2003.


Assuming this difference persisted over the entire 140 years in the Shiller database, the median forward-looking P/E has been just 11. The S&P 500's current forward-looking P/E of 13.6 is therefore 24% above the median-not 6% lower.

The stock market doesn't have to fall just because its P/E is above historical norms, of course. Ms. Casscells points out that the P/E ratio, like other valuation measures, exerts only a weak gravitational pull on the stock market's near-term direction. And it is always possible that 'this time will be different,' she says.


Still, a proper apples-to-apples comparison negates the bulls' argument that the current market is cheap, she contends.


The investmentimplication is that one might focus on ways to gradually reduce equityexposure rather than increase it. When you sell any of your shares, for example, don't automatically reinvest the proceeds from those sales in other stocks.


A relatedimplication is that you should begin to shift toward more conservative holdings the portion of your stock portfolio you intend to hold through thick and thin. This means favoring companies with a larger stock-market value, little or no debt, a track record of consistently rising earnings and that hopefully pay a handsome dividend.

强生(Johnson & Johnson)和辉瑞(Pfizer)就是这样的公司。《赫伯特金融资讯解读》(Hulbert Financial Digest)称,在过去15年跑赢市场的投资顾问评选的最受推荐股票排行榜中,这两家公司双双名列前茅 。

Examples are Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer, both of which are at the top of the most-recommended stock list among those advisers beating the market over the past 15 years, according to the Hulbert Financial Digest.


The two companies have much lower debt loads than the average S&P 500 company and relatively high dividends. Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer sport dividend yields of 2.9% and 3.3%, respectively, calculated by dividing the annualized equivalent of each firm's most recent dividend by its current stock price.

先锋红利增长基金(Vanguard Dividend Growth)是一家投资这类历经考验的公司的共同基金。在过去15年跑赢市场的投资顾问评选的最受推荐共同基金排行榜上,该基金也位于榜首。这只共同基金的运营费用比率为0.29%,相当于每投资10,000美元收取29美元运营费用。

One mutual fund that invests in similarly tried-and-true companies is the Vanguard Dividend Growth fund. It also is at the top of the list of most recommended mutual funds among the 15-year market beaters. The mutual fund has an expense ratio of 0.29%, or $29 for every $10,000 invested.

另一只投资类似股票、且受到这些投资顾问推崇的基金是先锋惠灵顿基金(Vanguard Wellington Fund),其运营费用比率为0.25%。

Another fund that invests in similar stocks and is popular among the 15-year market beaters is the Vanguard Wellington Fund, with a 0.25% expense ratio.