
尽管经济前景多次被乌云笼罩,但欧元区经济表现出奇的好。第二季度欧元区经济增长0.3%,扭转了第一季度的下滑势头,并且表现好于经济学家的预期。Berenberg Bank指出,更令人意外的是,第二季度德国和葡萄牙这两个欧元区国家有望分别成为七大工业国(G7)和经济合作与发展组织(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)中增长最迅速的经济体。对于欧洲,仍旧有许多警告。但不要低估这种势头的重要性。

For an economy whose prospects have been so roundly written off so many times, the euro zone is doing surprisingly well.


Second-quarter growth came in at 0.3%, reversing the first quarter's downturn, and beating economists' expectations. Even more startlingly, two euro-zone countries - Germany and Portugal - may end up being the fastest-growing economies in the G-7 and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, respectively, in the second quarter, Berenberg Bank notes. As ever with Europe, there are plenty of caveats. But don't underestimate the importance of the direction of travel.


Yes, Germany is leading the recovery, growing 0.7% in the second quarter, helped by a bounce from a cold winter that held back activity early this year. Yes, the surprisingly strong growth of 0.5% in France may fade, given that it was driven by consumption and inventories. Yes, there are special factors that explain Portugal's stunning quarterly growth of 1.1%, the first positive result since 2010, including the timing of Easter and a big boost to fuel exports. And yes, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands are still in recession.

Markit欧元区7月份综合采购经理人指数终于升至50上方,说明第三季度开局良好。金融压力也在继续缓解,西班牙和意大利国债收益率再度下降。尽管欧洲央行(European Central Bank)可能需要支持其有关利率将在较长一段时期内维持在低位的承诺,但较低的通胀率水平令这一承诺依然具有可信性。

But for the euro zone, the bigger picture matters. Growth in Germany was driven by domestic demand; exports are helping shield southern Europe from deeper domestic downturns. Even Greece's economy may be close to turning the corner. Southern Europe has begun to close the gap with the north in terms of competitiveness. More structural reforms are needed but significant progress has been achieved.


With Markit's composite euro-zone purchasing managers index finally rising back above 50 in July, the third quarter has got off to a good start. Financial tensions continue to ease: Spanish and Italian bond yields are falling again. And while the European Central Bank may have to back up its guidance that rates will remain low for an 'extended period,' low inflation gives that pledge credibility.

Richard Barley