
# 540 wide, 960 high, 15 frames a second
480 854 15
# p means we're defining a part
# first number is repeat count, 0 means infinite
# second number is delay in frames before performing the next part
# so if you are playing 15 frames a second 15 would be... one second
# string defines the directory to load files from
# files will be loaded in order but names don't matter
# s defines a sound for a part
# sounds will be loaded from /system/media
# oggs with loop points will loop automatically
# only one sound will play at a time
# timing is driven by the part, not the sounds
# if you want no sound, say nothing
# motorola generic intro
p 0 0 part0
# must have newline at end of each part
1.文件夹"part0"        #这里面放的是开机动画第一部分的图片文件
2.文件夹"part1"        #这里面放的是开机动画第二部分的图片文件
540 960 15                                           #第一行
p 1 0 part0                                           #第二行
p 0 0 part1                                           #第三行
"# 540 wide, 960 high, 15 frames a second"是第一行的解释
#  宽540,高960,播放速度15帧每秒
# p means we're defining a part
# first number is repeat count, 0 means infinite
# second number is delay in frames before performing the next part
# so if you are playing 15 frames a second 15 would be... one second
# string defines the directory to load files from
# files will be loaded in order but names don't matter
# s defines a sound for a part
# sounds will be loaded from /system/media
# oggs with loop points will loop automatically
# only one sound will play at a time
# timing is driven by the part, not the sounds
# if you want no sound, say nothing
#声音将在 "/system/media"路径下加载。将要使用的声音文件放入这个路径,就可以编程使用了。
# motorola generic intro
p 0 0 part0
p 0 0 part0        定义一部分,无限循环重复播放,播放下一部分前延迟0帧(即无延迟),播放图片源文件路径:part0