

Busy Busy Life:

to deliver the mail 投递邮件

to send mail(a letter) 邮寄邮件

to carry dirt (航道)清淤

to ride a motorcycle 骑摩托车

to drive a delivery car 驾驶送货车

to carry the body to the cemetery 把尸体运到墓地

to pull a trailer 拖汽车房屋(电影中经常见到)

to march in shingle file 排成一列前进

to fly an airplane 驾驶飞机

to enter outer space 飞出大气层,进入外太空

to skydive 漫游太空

to deliver milk 送牛奶

to travel by ship 乘船旅行

to navigate 航海

to operate a steam locomotive 驾驶蒸汽机车

to row a boat 划小舟

to ride a bicycle 骑自行车

to drive a car 驾驶汽车

to commute to work 上班工作

to carry gasoline 运送汽油

to carry passenger for a fare 收费运送乘客

to push a baby carriage 推婴儿车

to hover 盘旋(在空中)

  • shingle [´ʃiŋgəl] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.盖屋板;木瓦 四级词汇

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