

· 羊肉串小摊 barbecue stall

· 洋务运动 Westernization Movement

· 摇钱树 cash cow

· 摇头丸 dancing outreach

· 以产定人,减员增效 employ workers in accordance with production needs and increase efficiency while reducing the staff

· 一次性筷子 throwaway chopsticks

· 一次性用品 disposable goods

· 一刀切 cut it even at one stroke--make it rigidly uniform; impose uniformity in all cases; allow no flexibility

· 移动通讯 mobile communication

· 依法治国 manage state affairs according to law; run state affairs according to law

· 以法治国,以德治国 to govern the country with law and moral

· 一帆风顺 Wishing you every success

· 一方有难,八方支援 When disaster struck, help came from all sides.

· 一个中心,两个基本点 one central task, two basic points

· 以公有制为主体,多种经济成分共同发展 the pattern with the public sector remaining dominant and diverse sectors of the economy developing side by side

· 一国两制 "One country, two systems"

· 义和团运动 Boxer Uprising

· 以经济建设为中心 focusing on the central task of economic construction

· 一揽子(计划) one-package (plan)

· 一切向钱看 money-oriented

· 以权谋私 abuse of power for personal gains

· 以人为本 people oriented; people foremost
  • rigidly [´ridʒidli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.坚硬地;不易弯地 六级词汇
  • uniformity [,ju:ni´fɔ:miti] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.同样;一致(性) 六级词汇
  • dominant [´dɔminənt] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.统治的;占优势的 四级词汇
  • diverse [dai´və:s] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.完全不同的 六级词汇
  • uprising [ʌp´raiziŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.叛乱;起义,暴动 六级词汇

文章标签:词汇  英语词汇    
