
indows PC机制造商的平板电脑销售一直都不太好,尽管微软公司(Microsoft)新的Windows 8操作系统是以触摸屏为核心,拥有被称作开机画面(Start Screen)的平板电脑界面,而且作为附赠的功能,它允许平板电脑运行传统的Windows桌面程序。这场挣扎最典型的例子发生在最近几周,微软不得不对它自己精心打造的可以运行微软桌面办公软件Microsoft Office的全尺寸平板电脑Surface RT大幅削价约30%,导致这家软件巨头的资产减记了9亿美元。

Windows PC makers have had a tough time selling tablets, even though Microsoft's new Windows 8 operating system is touch-centric, sports a tablet interface called the Start Screen, and, as a bonus, allows tablets to run traditional Windows desktop programs.

现在,PC电脑主要制造商之一的宏碁(Acer)正在进行新的尝试,向平板电脑市场发起冲击。如今的平板电脑市场由苹果公司(Apple)的iPad所主导,不过使用谷歌(Google)安卓(Android)操作系统的公司销量正在不断增长。6月份,宏碁推出了一款尺寸更小、价格更低、使用Windows 8操作系统的平板电脑Iconia W3。

The best example of this struggle came in recent weeks when Microsoft had to slash by about 30% the price of its own Surface RT, a well-built, full-size tablet that runs desktop Microsoft Office. That led to a $900 million charge in the software giant's financial results.


Now, one of the major PC makers, Acer, is making a new attempt to dent the tablet market that is dominated by Apple's iPad, but is seeing growing sales by companies using Google's Android operating system. Last month, Acer introduced a smaller, less expensive Windows 8 tablet, the Iconia W3.

然而在对W3进行测试之后,我产生了疑虑。W3与其最明显的竞争对手、7.9英寸屏的iPad Mini相比具备一些优势,比如屏幕分辨率更高,同样预装有Surface RT上装载的简化版本的Office办公软件。

Acer, which also makes Android tablets, is hoping the W3, which has an 8.1-inch screen compared with the 10-inch screens of standard tablets, will hit a sweet spot that has eluded other Windows tablets.

总的来说,我发现W3比不上iPad Mini。与iPad Mini相比,宏碁的这款平板电脑做工比较低劣、比较笨重;外观不那么好看,屏幕反应较慢;电池续航能力明显不及iPad Mini;摄像头差得太远,而且它只能使用Wi-Fi,没有蜂窝数据功能可供选择。

But after testing the W3, I doubt it. The W3 has some advantages over its most obvious competitor, the 7.9-inch iPad Mini, including a higher screenresolution and the same built-in, limitededition of desktop Microsoft Office featured on the Surface RT.

此外,就像所有的Windows 8系统的电脑一样,拖累W3的是平板应用的缺乏和它的双界面,这种界面在一种模式下使用触摸屏效果最佳,在另一种模式下使用键盘(需要额外购买)。

Overall, I found it to be no match for the iPad Mini. Compared with the smallest iPad, the Acer features cheaper, bulkier construction; a worse-looking, slower-responding screen; significantly less battery life; and drastically worse cameras. And it's Wi-Fi only, with no cellular data option.

W3不会轻易热销的一个证据是:仅仅在上市七周左右之后,宏碁就降低了这款产品的价格。6月份,32GB款型的入门级价格是380美元。现在,同一款型的价格是300美元。iPad Mini的起售价为329美元,其容量为16GB。(Windows 8系统的机器需要更大的存储空间,因为操作系统本身占用了大量的存储资源。)三星(Samsung)新出的安卓系统8英寸16GB的Galaxy Tab 3 8.0平板电脑售价为300美元。

Plus, like all Windows 8 computers, it's burdened by a paucity of tablet-style apps and a dual interface that is best used with touch in one mode, and with a keyboard (which costs extra) in the other.

这款Iconia W3是白色的塑料材质平板,一只手可以轻松拿取。和iPad不同的是,它有一个USB接口和一个高清多媒体(HDMI)接口,可以通过线缆向电视输出视频。不过这些端口都是微型端口,需要适配器和连接线,而这些配件都不包括在标准配置之中。W3还有一个存储卡插槽,可以选择增加一块存储卡将容量扩展为32GB。

One sign the W3 isn't a runaway hit: After only seven weeks or so on the market, Acer has cut the price of the product. Last month, the entry-level price was $380, for a 32-gigabyte model. Now, that same model is $300. The iPad Mini starts at $329, with 16 GB. (Windows 8 machines need more memory because the operating system itself takes up a huge chunk of storage.) Samsung's new 8-inch Android-based Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 tablet costs $300 with 16 GB.

W3运行的是完整版的Windows 8操作系统,因此,除了平板应用之外,它可以切换到传统的Windows桌面,这时你可以安装和运行在Windows 7里能够使用的大多数程序,这之中最重要的Office软件是包含在机器售价之内的,不过这个版本中删去了Outlook组件,必须使用一个免费激活码进行手动安装,在我的测试中Office软件运行良好。

The Iconia W3 is a white, plastic tablet that can be easily held with one hand. Unlike the iPad, it has a USB port and an HDMI port for exporting video to a TV over a cable. But these are mini ports, which require adapters and cables, and those accessories aren't included. It also has a memory-card slot that can add up to 32 GB of memory with an optional card.

W3的开机速度快,屏幕分辨率达到了1280 x 800,相比之下,iPad Mini的分辨率只有1024 x 768。

It runs the full version of W8, so in addition to tablet apps, it can be switched to the traditional Windows desktop, where you can install and run most programs that work on Windows 7. The most important of these, Microsoft Office, is included in the price, though in a version that omits Outlook. Office, which must be installed manually using a free activation code, worked fine in my tests.

然而,相比iPad Mini,W3有很多关键的缺点。它的重量比iPad Mini重大约60%,厚度也超过iPad Mini约61%。虽然iPad Mini不及7英寸的安卓平板苗条,我还是可以把它放入我的牛仔裤后兜里,甚至还加上护套,再放入一个钱包。W3就放不进去。iPad Mini的金属外壳也更为结实。

The W3 starts up quickly and the screen has a resolution of 1280 x 800, compared with just 1024 x 768 on the iPad Mini.


However, the W3 had many key disadvantages compared with the iPad Mini. It weighs about 60% more and is about 61% thicker. While the Mini isn't as svelte as the 7-inch Android tablets, I can carry it in my back jeans pocket, even with its cover on and with a wallet sharing the space. Not so with the W3. And the small iPad also has a sturdier metal case.

在我对平板电脑电池的标准测试中──把屏幕亮度开到75%,一直开着Wi-Fi接收电子邮件,播放视频直到电池耗尽──这款宏碁平板坚持了7小时22分钟。这意味着,在正常的使用中,这台机器基本上能达到宏碁所宣称的八小时的电池续航能力。在相同的测试中,iPad Mini坚持的时间多出了3.5小时,尽管它比W3更轻更薄一些。

The screen on the W3 was very distracting. It has a faint speckling, especially visible when viewing white. I also found the screenoccasionally slow to respond to touch.

然后是摄像头的问题。相比iPad Mini 500万像素的摄像头,这款宏碁平板的后置主摄像头只有200万像素。无论室内还是室外,我用W3拍摄的照片都很模糊,与用iPad拍的相同照片比起来差了很多。

In my standard tabletbattery test, where I keep the screen at 75% brightness, leave the Wi-Fi on to collect email and play videos until the battery dies, the Acer lasted seven hours and 22 minutes. This means that, in normal use, you could almost certainly get the unit's claimed eight hours of battery life. In the same test, the iPad Mini lasted nearly 3½ hours more, even though it's much thinner and lighter.

宏碁宣称专为W3生产了一款配套的键盘,售价为80美元。和我测试过的其它平板电脑附加键盘一样,键盘上部有一个接驳平板的插槽,用起来十分顺畅。我认为这个键盘对像Office这样的Windows 8桌面应用来说是必备的配件,因为这些应用程序用屏幕键盘操作并不是最优的工作方式。

Then there are the cameras. The Acer's main rear camera is only 2 megapixels, compared with 5 megapixels for the iPad Mini. Photos I took with the W3 were fuzzy, both indoors and out, much worse than similar shots taken with the iPad.


Acer boasts it has created a special accessory keyboard for the W3, which costs $80. Like other add-on keyboards for tablets I've tested, it has a slot at the top for the tablet and it works fine. I consider it a necessity for Windows 8 desktop apps, like Office, because they don't work optimally with the on-screen keyboard.

结论:尽管体积紧凑,价格相对较低,但宏碁Iconia W3的缺点太多,我无法推荐。

The Acer keyboard is full-size, much longer and wider than the tablet itself. It has a cavityunderneath to store the small tablet for traveling. But that makes for a large package, since the keyboard is much wider and longer than the tablet.

Walter S. Mossberg