
俄罗斯总统普京(Vladimir Putin)说,希望美国国家安全局(National Security Agency)泄密者斯诺登(Edward Snowden)尽快离开俄罗斯。普京重申,他不想让这件事破坏与白宫的关系。普京指出,斯诺登之所以目前仍滞留在莫斯科谢列梅捷沃国际机场(Sheremetyevo Airport),完全是因为美国一直阻止这个逃亡者抵达他想去的拉美最终目的地。

President Vladimir Putin said he hopes Edward Snowden, the U.S. National Security Agency leaker, will leave Russia as soon as possible and reiterated that he doesn't want the situation to damage relations with the White House.

周一的这番话凸显出了普京在斯诺登问题上的微妙处境。虽然斯诺登抵达俄罗斯为普京带来了一个机会,可在国内外提升其不畏美国强权的名声,但普京现在并不想看到莫斯科与华盛顿关系出现重大挫折。美俄关系崩溃将危及两国将于今年9月举行的备受瞩目的会谈。届时,普京打算在俄罗斯会见美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)。克里姆林宫不希望在这件事上出什么差错。

Mr. Putin noted that Mr. Snowden remains in Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport only because the U.S. has prevented the fugitive from reaching his desired final destination in Latin America.


The comments Monday highlighted Mr. Putin's delicate maneuvering. Though Mr. Snowden's arrival has presented an opportunity for the Russian president to burnish his American-defiant reputation at home and abroad, Mr. Putin isn't seeking a major blowup in ties with Washington. Such a collapse in relations would imperil a high-profile September meeting that Mr. Putin has planned with President Barack Obama in Russia