
刊出了斯诺登(Edward Snowden)爆料内容的专栏作家格林沃尔德(Glenn Greenwald)表示,这位在逃的美国前情报分析员目前仍在考虑最终向哪里寻求庇护。他因披露美国国家安全局(National Security Agency)秘密监控项目的机密细节受到美国当局的追捕。格林沃尔德在哥伦比亚某广播电台播出的采访音频中说,他于本周二和上周六与斯诺登进行了交谈。

Fugitive former intelligence analyst Edward Snowden is still considering where he eventually will seek refuge, as he evades U.S. authorities hunting him for disclosing classified details about the National Security Agency's secret surveillance programs, according to Glenn Greenwald, the columnist who published Mr. Snowden's leaked material.


Mr. Greenwald said in an interviewbroadcast by a Colombian radio station that he talked with Mr. Snowden on Tuesday and Saturday.


Russian officials have said Mr. Snowden has been staying in the transit zone at a Moscow airport, without travel documents after the U.S. revoked his passport. He has been offered political asylum by the leaders of Bolivia, Nicaragua and Venezuela, though at the moment he appears not to have a way to get to those countries due to his lack of travel papers.


'I don't think that he has decided or knows yet what