
调查人员还没完成对韩亚航空(Asiana Airlines)在旧金山失事飞机机组人员的讯问,美国国家运输安全委员会(National Transportation Safety Board)就释放出信号,认为飞行员的失误是最有可能的事故原因。此举促使美国飞行员工会领导人少有地向该委员会提出公开批评。

Even before investigators have finished questioning the Asiana Airlines cockpit crew whose jet crashed in San Francisco, the National Transportation Safety Board ratcheted up signals that pilot error was the most likely culprit, prompting U.S. pilot-union leaders to issue an unusual public criticism of the board.

安全委员会主席赫斯曼(Deborah Hersman)周二提供了该航班坠机前最后一分钟的最新细节(当时飞机飞行高度过低、没有对准跑道)。赫斯曼随后表示,飞机的高级机长告诉调查人员,他以为自动安全系统会保持飞机的速度,并保证进场的安全。

After providing new details Tuesday about the final minute of the flight