汉术语语汇表来。 -伯江,一九九八年十二月六日
absolute universals 绝对共性[廖328]
absolute case 通格[廖204]
abstract construct 抽象结构[廖235]
accessibility hierachy 辨认度[廖27]
acceptability 可接受性[廖373]
accommodation 让步,适应[陶]
accompaniment adverb 交与副词[吕239]
accomplishment 结束[陈147 159]
accusative 受事格[廖346]
accusative object 受事宾语[吕240]
achievement 成就[陈147]
act 行为[廖236]
act sequence 信息内容与形式[陶]
actional predicate 动作谓语[吕240]
activated 被激发的[廖396 402]
active 主动格[陈108]
activity 活动[陈147 157]
actual 实际[廖375]
adequacy 切应性[陈51]
adjacency 邻接关系[吕240]
adjacency pairs 语对[陶]
adjective 形容词[吕240]
adjunct string 附加语符列[陈45]
adjuncts 修饰语[廖27]
adjusment model 调整模式[陈41]
adposition 介词[吕240]
advanced 高等[陶]
adverb 副词[吕240]
adverb-fronting 副词前移[吕240]
adverb-lowering 副词下降[吕240]
affective 表情(作用)[陈9]
affix 词缀[吕240]
Afrikanns 阿富堪斯[陶]
age grading 年龄级差[陶]
agent 施事[吕240]
agglutinating 粘着型[廖331]
agglutinative 粘着型[陈107]
agreement 一致[吕240]
agreement maxim 同意的准则[廖369]
AI(artificial intelligence) 人工智能[廖235]
allocation of function 功能的分配[陶]
allocation of use 用途的分配[陶]
ambiguity 歧义[吕240]
ambiguity maxim 歧义准则[廖370]
American Council on Teaching Foreign Languages (ACTFL) 美国外语教学委员会[陶]
American Institutes of Research 美国研究所[陶]
analogues 模拟词[廖408]
analytic 分析型[陈107]
analytic causative 分析式使成式[廖345]
anaphor 回指对象[陈182]
anaphora 指称替代[廖236] 回指形式[陈182]
anaphoric reference 回指[陈121 181][吕240]
animacy 生命度[廖326 332 347 352]
antecedent 先行词[陈182] 被代词[吕240]
anterior 先事时[陈173]
anterior future 先事将来时[陈174]
anterior past 先事过去时[陈174]
anterior present 先事现在时[陈174]
anthropological 人类学的[廖235]
anthropology 人类学[陶]
Antigua 西印度群岛上的安梯瓜[陶]
antipodals 对跖词[廖413]
antonym 两极词[廖412]
antonymy 两极关系[廖417]
apparent time 显象时间[陶]
appositive clause 同位小句[吕240]
approbation maxim 表扬的准则[廖369]
appropriateness 合适性[廖374]得体性[陶]
arbitrary 任意的[陶]
archiphoneme 原音位[陈10]
argument 论元[陈84 196] 参与者[吕240]
argument position 论元位[陈104]
argumentation 论辩体[廖124]
argumentative 论证[廖236]
argumentative structure 论证结构[廖237]
Aroucanians 智利的阿劳卡尼人[陶]
article 冠词[吕240]
aspect 时态[陈143] 态[吕240] 体[陶]
assert 肯定[吕240]
assertion 肯定[吕240]
assertive 断言的[廖425]
assign 分配[吕240]
associated typology 关联类型学[廖331]
atomic structure of sentences 句子的原始结构[吕240]
attach to 系附于[吕240]
attenuated 较单薄的[廖61]
attributes 属性[廖435 449]
attributive relativeclause 修饰性关系小句[吕240]
audience design 听众设计[陶]
augmented transitionnetwork 扩展的转移网络[廖379]
authentic 真实材料[陶]
automatic translation 自动翻译[陈96]
autonomous syntax 自主的句法[廖236]
Autosegmental Phonology 自分音系理论[陶]
auxiliary verb 助动词[吕240]
Baby Talk娃娃腔 [陶]
back-channel 衬托型反馈形式[陶]
backgrounding 抑退[吕240]
Bahasa Indonesia 巴萨印尼话[陶]
ballooning(of rules) (规则)膨胀[吕240]
banter principle 逗乐原则[廖369]
bare noun 光杆名词[陈129]
basic level 基本层次[廖417]
basic level terms 典型层次词[廖436]
Basque 巴斯克语[陶]
Bazaar Malay 集市马来话[陶]
begging 乞求[陶]
behavioral norm 行为规范[陈106]
Berber 柏柏尔语[陶]
beyond sentence grammar 超句语法[廖234]
bi-cultural 双文化[陶]
bidialectalism 双方言[陶]
bilingual 说双语的人[陶]
bilingualism 双语[陶]
biunique 一一对应[陈11]
bounded 有界的[陈168]
boundedness 封闭性[廖438]
bracketing 加括[吕241]
brand new 全新的[廖399]
bundle of features 特征束[陈10]
camaraderie 同志式的[陶]
cardinal reference-point 主要元音参考点[廖318]
case-marker 格标记[吕241]
case marking 格标记[廖340]
Catalan 加泰窿语[陶]
cataphoric reference 反指[陈206]
catastrophic change 剧变,灾变[陶]
catastrophism 剧变说,灾变说[陶]
categorize 类化[陈103]
categorization 范畴化[廖449]
category 范畴[廖449][吕241]
causal 因果性[陈117]
causative construction 使成结构[廖326 344]
cause adverb 原因副词[吕241]
causee 使成者[廖345]
causer 肇事者[廖345]
center string 中心语符列[陈45]
change in progress 进行中的变化[陶]
chunk 信息块[陈89]
circumstantial role 附带成分[陈183]
circumstantials 随遇成分[廖27]
citation 引用[廖359]
clarity principle 清楚原则[廖370]
class 类[陈128]
classical 古语[陶]
class-inclusion 类包括[吕241]
classes of words 词类[吕241]
classification 分类体[廖124]
clause 小句[廖236][吕241]
clause-internal rules 小句内部规则[吕241]
cleft sentence 分裂句[陈240]
clefting 分裂[吕241]
closed network 封闭网络[陶]
cluster 词群[廖408]
code 代码[吕241]
code norm 代码规范[陈105]
code-switching 语码转换[陶]
codification 标准的健全[陶]
coding 表现[陈163]
coding device 编码手段[吕241]
cognitive content 认识内容[吕241]
cognitive correspondence 认知对应原则[陈104]
cognitive function 认识功能[吕241]
cognitive information 认知信息[陶]
cognitive representation theory 认知表现理论[陈104]
cognitive science 认知科学[廖380]
cognitive synonymy 认知同义关系[廖406]
coherence 意义连贯[廖373]
cohesion 形式连贯[廖373]
cohesive relationship 连贯关系[廖399]
collaborative finish 合作完成式[陶]
collocational restrictions 习惯性搭配限制[廖408]
command 统御[陈68]
comment 论述,陈述[廖333 396][陈187] 说明[吕241]
commissives 承诺[廖423]
common focus 共喻圈[吕242]
common knowledge 共同知识[吕242]
communication 传信[廖379]
communication accommodation theory, CAT 交际适应理论[陶]
communicative competence 交际能力[廖278]
communicative force 实际用义[廖357]
communicative language teaching 交际语言教学[陶]
compactness 简洁[吕242]
comparative 比较[吕242]
compatibility 并存关系[廖407]
competence 语言能力[陈18] 能耐[吕242]
complementaries 互补词[廖411]
complements 补足成分[廖27] 补语[吕242]
complementizer 成形剂[吕242]
complex change 复变[陈160]
complex-NP-shift 复杂NP移位[吕242]
complex sentence 复杂句[吕242]
componentialist 要素分析者[廖438]
compound interdependent 合成型[陶]
compression rules 压缩规则[吕242]
conative function 使动功能[廖313]
conceptual dependency 概念从属(语法)[陈101]
concord 一致[吕242]
conditional adverb 条件副词[吕242]
conditional coherence 条件连贯[陈83]
configuration 构型[廖438]
configurationality 组合性[陈108]
congruence relations 一致关系[廖406]
congruent 一致性[陶]
congruent meronym 一致部件[廖407]
conjoinability 可连接性[廖27]
conjunction 连词/联合[吕242]
conjunction-reduction 省并[吕242]
connectivers 连接成分[廖451]
constituency rules 组成成分规则[廖314]
constituent class 成分类别[陈41]
constituent ellipsis 成分省略[廖14]
constituent insertion 成分插入[陶]
constituent order 结构成分顺序[廖334]
constitutive principles 构成原则[廖373]
constant 常量[吕242]
constraints 限制[廖328] 约束[吕242]
construction grammar 结构语法[廖281]
containment 包含[廖483]
contemporary 当代[陶]
content form 内容形式[陈9]
content mode 内容表达式[廖359]
content substance 内容实体[陈9]
context 语境,上文[廖236 395]
context of situation 言语情景;情景的上下文[陶]
context-dependent structure/system 依靠语境的结构/系统[廖236]
context-free rule 不受上下文约束的规则[吕242]
context of situation 语境[廖319]
context-sensitive rule 受上下文约束的规则[吕242]
contextual relations 语境关系[廖404]
contextual style 场合语体[陶]
contextualization cues 语境线索[陶]
continuity 连续性[陈187]
continuous variable 连续变量[陶]
continuum 连续体[陈64 162]
contraction 语音省缩[吕242]
contrary 指反[陈217]
contrastive prominence 对比重音[吕242]
control 自控力[廖332]
convergence 靠近[陶]
conversation 会话[廖236]
conversational analysis,CA 对话分析[廖235] 会话分析[陶]
conversational implicatures 话语蕴含[陶]
conversational postulates 对话原则[廖361]
converse 逆反词[廖413]
co-occurrence constraint 共现约束[吕242]
cooperative principle 合作原则[廖179 357]
co-ordinate independent 并存型[陶]
coordinate structure 并列结构[吕242]
copula verb 系词[吕242]
coreference 同一性关系[陈182]
corpus planning 语型规划[陶]
corrected mean 修正均值[陶]
correspondence 对应[廖365]
co-taxonyms 同类分类词[廖409]
counteractive 反动关系[廖412]
counterparts 对应词[廖413]
covert prestige 隐威信[陶]
creole 克里奥语,混合语[陶]
criterial 判别性的[廖404]
cross-cultural communication 跨文化的交际[陶]
crossover 超越[陶]
cultivation 培养[陶]
current 邻接的[廖399]
cycle 轮转[吕243]
cyclic application 循环使用[廖317]
contrastive features 区别特征[陶]
data 数据[廖236]
dative 与格[廖346]
Davidian 达罗毗荼[陶]
declaratives 宣告句[廖420]
declarative sentence 陈述句[吕243]
de-creolization 克里奥尔脱化[陶]
de-creolization continuum 克里奥尔脱化连续体[陶]
deep structure 深层结构[吕243]
default 常规选择[廖373]
deferent 敬重[陶]
Deficit Hypothesis 语言缺陷论[陶]
definite 有定[廖40]
definiteness 定指度[廖342]
definiteness of subject and object 主语和宾语的限定[廖237]
degree-terms 程度词[廖411]
deictic 指示词[吕243]
deixis 指示词[廖195]
deletion rules 消除规则[吕243]
delicacy 精细度[廖319]
demonstrative structure 论证结构[廖451]
deontic modality 义务情态[廖419]
dependency relation 依赖关系[吕243]
derivational morphology 衍生构词[廖316] 构词形态[吕243]
derived sentence 派生句[吕243]
derived structure 派生结构[吕243]
description 描写体[廖124]
descriptive structuer 描写结构[廖237]
descriptivists 描写学派[廖308 322][陈11 35]
design features 图案成分[廖309]
destressing 轻音化[吕243]
determiner 区别词[吕243]
deviation 偏离[陶]
diachronic derivability 历时可导性[陈116]
diagram 图解[吕243]
dialect 方言[陶]
dialect geography 方言地理学[廖264]
dialectology 方言学[廖262]
dialogic 对话性[陶]
dialogue 对话[廖234 236]
differentiable 可区分的[廖408]
diglossia 双言制[陶]
dimension 标度[廖211]
dimensional model 层面模式[陈109]
direct illocutions 直接表达式[廖361]
direct object 直接宾语[吕243]
directional adverb 趋向副词[吕243]
directives 指令[廖423]
direct speech 直接句[廖360]
discourse 对话[廖379] 言谈[吕243]
discourse analysis 篇章分析[廖181 234 310][陈25 55]
discourse connectedness 篇章连贯[廖236]
discourse connectives 篇章连接[廖236 237]
discourse for special occasions 特别场合的篇章[廖236]
discourse-functional syntax 篇章-功能句法[廖236]
discourse-functionally motivated structure/system