
说到憾事,塞恩(John Thain)的确是有一件。

Regrets? John Thain has one.


'I wouldn't have taken the Merrill job,' he said in an interview. 'I think that's probably the single biggest thing.'

这番话是迄今为止他对任美林公司(Merrill Lynch & Co.)董事长兼首席执行长期间个人作为的最尖锐的评价之一。2007年底,他来到这个证券公司位于曼哈顿下城的总部,当时金融危机正在酝酿中。不到一年后,美林被迫与美国银行(Bank of America Corp.)"联姻"。几个月后,塞恩被逐出美国银行。

Mr. Thain's comments are some of his sharpest yet about life as Merrill Lynch & Co.'s chairman and chief executive. He arrived at the securities firm's headquarters in lower Manhattan in late 2007 as the financialcrisis was brewing. Within a year, Merrill was forced into a shotgun marriage with Bank of America Corp. A few months later, Mr. Thain was out.


'I regret having to sell Merrill Lynch to Bank of America,' he said.

很少有金融危机期间"沉没"的金融企业的高管公开反思自己的所作所为。大多数人都避免抛头露面。58岁的塞恩现在运营着CIT Group Inc.,该公司的业务是向中小企业提供贷款。从这一点可以看出过去五年对他来说情况发生了多么巨大的改变。

Few executives at the top of financial firms that sank during the crisis have reflected publicly on what happened. Most of them withdrew from the spotlight. The 58-year-old Mr. Thain now runs CIT Group Inc., a lender to small and medium-size businesses, which shows how much has changed for him in the past five years.

塞恩目前的首要目标之一是在盐湖城(Salt Lake City)开设CIT的首家分行。这将是塞恩带领CIT实现华丽转身的下一步,这个转身包括公司股价大涨、清除不良资产、收缩或以举债的方式再融资310亿美元以及重新赢得监管机构的信任。上月,监管方解除了对该公司回购股票或派发股息的为期四年的限制令。

One of Mr. Thain's top goals now: opening CIT's first bank branch