
苹果公司(Apple Inc.)的税务策略周二受到美国参议院的严厉审查,但参议员们发现,简化现行税法远不像说起来那么容易。苹果公司首席执行长库克(Tim Cook)为该公司在纳税方面的做法进行了辩护。美国参议院的调查人员说,苹果的这些做法导致该公司在过去四年中没有为其数百亿美元的海外收益缴纳企业所得税。库克说,苹果公司该交的税都交了,他认为美国税法需要"大幅简化"。

Apple Inc.'s tax strategies came under harsh scrutiny Tuesday in the Senate, where lawmakers are finding it far easier to call for a simpler tax code than to produce one.

参议院周二还另外举行了一场听证会,以了解美国国税局(Internal Revenue Service)对申请免税资格的美国保守团体进行详细审查的情况,国税局的这种做法引发了美国两党的严厉抨击。

Tim Cook, Apple's chief executive, defended the technology giant's tax practices, which Senate investigators say have led Apple to pay no corporate taxes on tens of billions of dollars in overseasincome over the past four years. He said the company pays all taxes due, and argued the U.S. tax code needs a 'dramatic simplification.'

美国众议院筹款委员会(House Ways and Means Committee)主席、来自密歇根州的共和党人坎普(Dave Camp)说,我们发现美国的税法很混乱。他说,美国国税局这件事和苹果公司这件事虽然有很大不同,但它们都说明美国的个人所得税法和企业所得税法需要改革。

The Senate held a separate hearing on Tuesday about the Internal Revenue Service's scrutiny of conservative groups that applied for tax-exempt status
