
    心涛:洋洋,你的名字是谁取的?    洋洋:我的名字是我姥姥取的。姥姥说用叠音字,读起来有轻松、亲昵的感觉。    心涛:嗯,"洋洋"确实是个好名字。洋洋,你爸爸的名讳是?    洋洋:我爸爸出生在五六十年代,所以他的名字就带有那个时代的特点,叫建国。    心涛:哦,确实一听就知道是那个时代的名字。我爸爸叫"安邦",也很有时代特点吧。    洋洋:是呀,那时候叫"建国"、"解放"、"自强"、"中华"的人特别多。    心涛:对呀,我也觉得我们父辈的名字很有时代特点。不过话说回来,我们这一代的名字其实很有特点。你看看咱们同学的名字,有的是父母姓氏的组合,比如"蔡郑",有的名字很好地对应了英文名,比如"丽莎",有的女孩子名字还用男孩子的,比如亚冰。现在起名字的方式越来越多样了。    洋洋:因为我们的生活主题越来越多元化了嘛。    心涛:确实如此。     XT: Yangyang, who gave you your name?
YY: My maternalgrandma gave me my name. She said that a name that conclude repeated words sounds more relaxed and make people feel more intimate.
XT: Yeah, "Yangyang" is really a good name. Yangyang, what is the "respected name" of your father?
YY: My father was born during the 50s/60s. So his name is typical of names given during that era. His name is Jianguo
XT: Oh, indeed, the name really reflects the time your father lives. My dad is called Anbang, it's also very characteristic of that era.
YY: Yes, during that time, there were an exceptionally high number of people with the names "Jianguo," "Jiefang," "Ziqiang," and "Zhonghua."
XT: Right. I also feel that people from our parents' generation have names that are very characteristic of that era. Similarly, the names of our era also have its characteristics. Just take a look at our fellow classmates' names...some of their surnames are a combination of both parents' surnames, for instance, "Cai-zheng." Some names can correspond very well with [the sounds of] English names, like "Lisha." Some girls even use boys' names, for example, Yabing. Nowadays, there are more and more diverse methods to come up with names.
YY: That's because the themes in our lives are becoming increasingly diversified.
XT: Indeed, it is so.

-- Jewel@

Lesson Summary:
Do you know the secrets of Chinese names? Do you know the characteristics of Chinese names? Let's delve deeper into Chinese names in today's lesson. Lesson Content: XT: Yangyang, who gave you your name?
YY: My maternalgrandma gave me my name. She said that a name that conclude repeated words sounds more relaxed and make people feel more intimate.
XT: Yeah, "Yangyang" is really a good name. Yangyang, what is the "respected name" of your father?
YY: My father was born during the 50s/60s. So his name is typical of names given during that era. His name is Jianguo
XT: Oh, indeed, the name really reflects the time your father lives. My dad is called Anbang, it's also very characteristic of that era.
YY: Yes, during that time, there were an exceptionally high number of people with the names "Jianguo," "Jiefang," "Ziqiang," and "Zhonghua."
XT: Right. I also feel that people from our parents' generation have names that are very characteristic of that era. Similarly, the names of our era also have its characteristics. Just take a look at our fellow classmates' names...some of their surnames are a combination of both parents' surnames, for instance, "Cai-zheng." Some names can correspond very well with [the sounds of] English names, like "Lisha." Some girls even use boys' names, for example, Yabing. Nowadays, there are more and more diverse methods to come up with names.
YY: That's because the themes in our lives are becoming increasingly diversified.
XT: Indeed, it is so.