
    孔子是中国春秋末期的思想家和教育家,儒家思想的创始人,被世人尊为孔圣人、至圣、 至圣先师、万世师表。孔子是中国传统文化的代表人物,也是对世界影响最大的古代先哲之一。孔子与希腊古代哲人苏格拉底,柏拉图等人一样享有盛名。    孔子早年丧父,家境衰落。虽然生活贫苦,但他却"志于学"。他善于取法他人,曾说:"三人行,必有我师焉,择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。"他学无常师,好学不厌,大家称赞他"博学"。孔子不仅自己博学,而且乐于将自己的知识传授给他的学生们。孔子一生中有大半时间致力于 "传道授业解惑也"。在教书育人方面,他提出了许多经典名言。    关于学习,他提出"温故而知新"" 知之为知之,不知为不知"" 敏而好学 不耻下问"等。关于教书,他提出"学而不厌,诲人不倦"" 不愤不启,不悱不发。举一隅不以三隅反,则不复也""因材施教"等。关于做人,他提出"己所不欲,勿施于人"" 满招损,谦受益" "听其言而观其行"等。这些名言对当今社会仍有重要意义和深远影响。     Confucius of China's Spring and Autumn era, is a thinker, educationist and the founder of Confucianism. He is honored as the Sage Confucius, the greatest sage, the greatest sage and teacher and model teacher for all ages. Confucius is a representative of traditional Chinese culture and among the ancient sages, he is also the most influential in the world. Confucius enjoys a reputation on par with other ancient Greek philosophers such as Socrates and Plato.

Confucius lost his father in his early years and from then on, the financial situation of his family deteriorated. Although his life was poverty-stricken, nevertheless, his mind was set on learning. He was good at taking others as his model. He once said, "When traveling in a group of three, I will always find a teacher. I will adopt their good qualities and avoid their shortcomings." He did not learn from only one teacher and was tireless in learning; thus everyone praised him as "erudite." Not only was Confucius erudite, he also delighted in imparting his knowledge to his students. Confucius spent a good part of his entire life devoted to imparting the wisdom of sages and dispelling doubts. With regards teaching and nurturing, he is the source of a good number of sayings which have become classic.

Regarding learning, he said, "You can gain new insights by reviewing what you have learned;" "Acknowledge that you know only if you do. If you don't know, admit it;" and "Brilliant and passionate about learning, he is not be ashamed to seek answers, even from someone who is inferior;" etc. With regards to teaching, he said, "Insatiable in learning and tireless in teaching;" "I will be there to inspire when the student has struggled to understand something but cannot, be there to inspire when the student wants to explain it but cannot. If I point out one principle and the student cannot derive three others, I will not point it out again."* "Teach according to the student's aptitude;" etc. As to conducting oneself, he said, "Do not do unto others what you do not want done to yourself;" "Pride leads to loss while modesty brings benefit;" "Judge people by their actions, not just by their words;" etc. These sayings continue to exert important significance and far reaching influence on today's society.

*lit. If I point out one corner of a square to a student and he cannot see the other three corners, I will not point it out again.

-- atchooo@

Lesson Summary:
"The whole world is learning Mandarin, the sayings of Confucius is increasingly internationalized." Have you heard this song before? Although not many of Confucius' sayings have been handed down, this does not hinder us from understanding the doctrines of Confucianism. Lesson Content: Confucius of China's Spring and Autumn era, is a thinker, educationist and the founder of Confucianism. He is honored as the Sage Confucius, the greatest sage, the greatest sage and teacher and model teacher for all ages. Confucius is a representative of traditional Chinese culture and among the ancient sages, he is also the most influential in the world. Confucius enjoys a reputation on par with other ancient Greek philosophers such as Socrates and Plato.

Confucius lost his father in his early years and from then on, the financial situation of his family deteriorated. Although his life was poverty-stricken, nevertheless, his mind was set on learning. He was good at taking others as his model. He once said, "When traveling in a group of three, I will always find a teacher. I will adopt their good qualities and avoid their shortcomings." He did not learn from only one teacher and was tireless in learning; thus everyone praised him as "erudite." Not only was Confucius erudite, he also delighted in imparting his knowledge to his students. Confucius spent a good part of his entire life devoted to imparting the wisdom of sages and dispelling doubts. With regards teaching and nurturing, he is the source of a good number of sayings which have become classic.

Regarding learning, he said, "You can gain new insights by reviewing what you have learned;" "Acknowledge that you know only if you do. If you don't know, admit it;" and "Brilliant and passionate about learning, he is not be ashamed to seek answers, even from someone who is inferior;" etc. With regards to teaching, he said, "Insatiable in learning and tireless in teaching;" "I will be there to inspire when the student has struggled to understand something but cannot, be there to inspire when the student wants to explain it but cannot. If I point out one principle and the student cannot derive three others, I will not point it out again."* "Teach according to the student's aptitude;" etc. As to conducting oneself, he said, "Do not do unto others what you do not want done to yourself;" "Pride leads to loss while modesty brings benefit;" "Judge people by their actions, not just by their words;" etc. These sayings continue to exert important significance and far reaching influence on today's society.

*lit. If I point out one corner of a square to a student and he cannot see the other three corners, I will not point it out again.