心涛:现在中国的女性都非常独立,有独到的眼界和主见,让我们男同志也十分佩服啊! 洋洋:心涛,你怎么有这样的感叹? 心涛:我们公司新来的几个女同事,个个都是女强人啊! 洋洋:哎,女强人这个词听起来怎么感觉有些怪怪的呢?你说我们女人容易吗?我们又要照顾家庭又要把工作做好。在工作中出色一点人家就觉得这个女人太强势!怎么没有人说,这个人是男强人呢? 心涛:是是是,女人太不容易了,那我不说女强人了,我喊你们"半边天"吧。 洋洋:"半边天"这个词听起来顺耳多了! Xintao: Nowadays, women in China are becoming
increasingly independent; Men begin to admire women because they have
unique ideas and insights of the modern society.
Yangyang: Why do you say that?
Xintao: Our company employed several
female workers several days ago, we find out that these women are
reliable and practical. They are really superwomen!
Yangyang: Superwomen? That sounds a little weird. It's really rough to be women. We have to take care of the family, and do well at work as well. We will be regarded as strong-minded women if we do a great job. How couldn't people call men supermen?
Xintao: Well, women do struggle in the modern society. Let's call them "half the sky" rather than superwomen.
Yangyang: That sounds better!
-- Jewel@
Lesson Summary:
Today we are going to learn a lesson about women, who can do everything perfectly. Can you
distinguish the word "half the sky" with "superwomen"? Now let's begin! Lesson Content: Xintao: Nowadays, women in China are becoming
increasingly independent; Men begin to admire women because they have
unique ideas and insights of the modern society.
Yangyang: Why do you say that?
Xintao: Our company employed several
female workers several days ago, we find out that these women are
reliable and practical. They are really superwomen!
Yangyang: Superwomen? That sounds a little weird. It's really rough to be women. We have to take care of the family, and do well at work as well. We will be regarded as strong-minded women if we do a great job. How couldn't people call men supermen?
Xintao: Well, women do struggle in the modern society. Let's call them "half the sky" rather than superwomen.
Yangyang: That sounds better!