心涛:洋洋,你怎么了? 洋洋:我在回家的路上被大雨淋湿了。 心涛:啊,怎么会这样!你没有带伞吗? 洋洋:我看天气预报说,这几天都是晴天,所以没带伞。 心涛:那你多喝点儿热水,别感冒了。 洋洋:嗯,当务之急,我得先去洗一个热水澡,换上干爽的衣服。 XT: YY, what happened to you?
YY: I was soaked by the heavy rain on my way home.
XT: How could this happen? Didn't you take an umbrella?
YY: I didn't take an
umbrella because the weather
forecast said these days would be sunny days.
XT: Drink some hot water. Don't catch a cold.
YY: Yes, but at this moment, I have to take a warm bath fist and change into dry and clean clothes.
-- Jewel@
Lesson Summary:
"Wet like a drowned rat" refers to people who are soaked all over. Let's see who becomes a drowned rat today. Lesson Content: XT: YY, what happened to you?
YY: I was soaked by the heavy rain on my way home.
XT: How could this happen? Didn't you take an umbrella?
YY: I didn't take an
umbrella because the weather
forecast said these days would be sunny days.
XT: Drink some hot water. Don't catch a cold.
YY: Yes, but at this moment, I have to take a warm bath fist and change into dry and clean clothes.